
Yeah, I didn't pick up on the Russian being the Superior last week until I read the review, but the cutting of the "Previously on" segment and the "You're my huckleberry superior" made it obvious even for me. I also was expecting more than some billionaire rando.

"The Late Mr. Kent" is my favorite TAS episode, so that could be a suitable make-up for not having Gilbert Gottfried reprise Mr. Mxyzptlk.

In a way, the basic deal we have with superheroes is that they suffer, and are rewarded for that suffering with powers that let them prevent the suffering of others.

Alex did refer to "dialing them home," and I don't think the "dialing" term was used in the movie. They called it "realigning" the Stargate.

Getting a job at a murder-bar is probably a lot like buying a murder-house.

I'm wondering if there might not have been something that happened between them off-screen that'll be revealed in a flashback later.

Remember GWB dodging those shoes? I don't think this gang of chucklefucks have the reflexes.

Some quick googling show's it's been said at least a few times, both by Hydra people in full, and in references or allusions by various characters. I remember that they also brought up a few times last season that Malik was the last head of Hydra.

You missed the best one; it's not his desk.

A couple times, including the part immediately after where it's "hidden" in the chorus.

The part they left out was that it was a cold-weather thing. People used sausages as styluses because the touchscreens wouldn't work through gloves. The story was from, like, 2008 or 2009. Of course, nowadays, they have gloves with capacitive fingertips, so you can answer calls and texts as much as you like during the

I'm surprised that nobody pointed out that Euros was almost certainly going to kill the wife either way, since playing fair gets her no additional information for her little game, whereas the delay before killing the hostage lets her observe both outcomes.

On the other hand, in the first season finale, Moriarty hid like forty snipers in the rafters of a community pool (or, alternatively, two snipers and a bunch of mechanically-actuated laser pointers, which is still a lot of work). The entire show has always gone far beyond reality in the name of being theatrical.

I didn't notice anything in particular, but red does have a tendency to compress badly in digital (and analog) formats, and that can take the form of appearing blocky and pixelated.

Oh, sure they can. Without knowing specifically what Saw was doing (aside from, you know, mindraping defectors with octopus-monsters and then still not accepting their intel), it's hard to say precisely what it was that caused the split with Mon Mothma's group. Maybe he was intentionally letting the Empire find out

I like how that article refers to December 2012 in the future tense.

This *is* recasting the part. It's fancy makeup, not witchcraft.

That's what I thought. Still, if you're going to just drop them all at once, you may as well edit it into one half-hour bonus episode.

They did seem to undercut their double-blinding quota with Coulson just telling May where the book was hidden (Ada could've hidden another bug in the room! Op-sec, man!) without it being a clever scheme. The idea that Simmons was actually being kind of crappy at spying to ensure the goon would phone in immediately is