
Well, it's weird when I see the Good Cop implying in his friendliest tone that he'd be angry enough to kill somebody to a suspect in a crime show, too.

The World Council was also mentioned in the same line, so at least someone vaguely recalls that the suggested alternative to the Avengers trashing New York was destroying it with a nuclear bomb.

The driving theme of the film was that a desire for revenge is, above all else, selfish (and, for the sake of argument, let's call "guilt" a desire for revenge against oneself). Everyone's trying to get back at someone for something in the movie, and all it does is hurt others in a futile attempt to make themselves

Given how hot the Marvel movies for CG age make up, I figure it's only a matter of time before we see a hybrid Slattery/Cooper version of Howard Stark. Two men, playing the same character at the same time! The impossible is nothing!

And a couple times when he mentioned that the "unofficial" smoking lamp was on.

Galactica's special Cylon cell had cameras. It was a plot point later on that Tigh had them turned off when he, well, you know.

I think The Woman King fulfills a vital role in completing Tigh's rehabilitation after New Caprica. Sure, he came back to work after "Hero," but he still strutting around with that cocky "I am the infallible God of Death" horseshit until he got it rubbed in his face that he was covering for a racist serial-killer.

I like to imagine if "The Plan" had covered season 2.5, we would've seen Baltar ultimately decide, no, I'm not giving away my goddamned nuclear bomb, and no invisible woman is going to make me, no matter how insulting my boss is. Then we'd see Cavil actually stole it and told Gina's friends it came from Baltar.

I'm not one of those people who think BSG ever really failed, but one of my few gripes with the final chapters of the show was that Adama had a few too many nervous breakdowns.

There are instrumental mixes floating around of a lot of their songs. Stadium Arcadium had a songbook that included a version of the album with just guitar and bass, and some enterprising folks made instrumental mixes out of the split-track versions of the songs included in the Rock Band video games, plus some

I'm note sure if I'd say Lloyd Bridges Cain admits he's wrong. He argues to Adama that they should attack a heavily-defended Cylon base, while Adama wants to just raid a Cylon fuel convoy and move on to safer waters (in this version, Adama outranks Cain). Cain destroys the Cylon tankers during the raid (claiming it

"Adam" is actually the Hebrew word for "man" (as in "mankind," not a male person). Doing some quick research to double-check my memory, it looks like it was also an ancient play-on-words on adama, since Adam was made from the earth.

For some reason, tho, he has no thoughts on people who make tough choices and who choose wrongly every time.

I haven't read Scar Tissue. I got that story from the Brendan Mullen book (I have to say my favorite part of it was whenever they excerpted one of Chad Smith's interviews, which mostly boiled down to "Don't ask me, dude, I just fuckin' work here.")

Oooh, "I bought a whole town." I thought he said "I bought a hotel," which seemed anticlimactic and made me wonder if there's some motel-related Inhuman comics lore I was unaware of.

I actually think that one's kind of funny. It's like "The Aristocrats" of getting-it-on songs.

Not going to lie, from the headline I expected this to be about the time he and Flea streaked through a record executives' meeting.

5'9" is fairly short? I thought I was just unremarkably average!

The duplicate Doctor from Journey's End was pretty much Tennant playing Nine, more or less.

They've mentioned before that they write random Doctor Who scenes that aren't intended for real episodes to use as audition and screen-test material, so I wonder if this might be one of those, repurposed.