
I was impressed when I realized Archer was sticking pretty well to a one-year-per-season timeline. Considering how loose they are with the time of the setting, you wouldn't expect them to be so good on time passing for the characters.

^But the details in "Once Bitten" seems so… bullshitty. Archer hates alligators, so we'll have child-Archer love alligators before he meets his putative father, suggesting there's some deeper reason behind it. Except it's not resolved, and it seems clear there's no resolution in a secret file somewhere waiting for the

In case of emergency, he's designed to act as a flotation device.

Actually, you could argue that Barry would be violating the First Law if he didn't, with the "or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm" clause. It'd be like rushing into a burning building! Probably while inside an actual burning building, because Carol.

Mack did mention that they were all supposed to be learning other languages now. Not sure why that wasn't a rule before. Or maybe it was only required for super-spies like Bobbi, May, and Phil, and the support crew of scientists, mechanics, and hackers could get away with being monolingual.

"the world is a butt canvas"
"That's "but a canvas""
"that makes no sense"
"I agree yours is better."

Virtually everything I know about Doctor Strange comes from Christopher Bird's fantasy pitches, but that teaser makes it look like it might live up to them.

It took me a second to realize it, but I think Fitz was holding the magazine from the gun.

They're around. A bit niche, but podcasting has definitely helped with their revival.

Or that the mural of him in Cuba wasn't Castro defeating him for the bounty of the trillion-dollar-bill.

You let them figure that our for themselves.

I really enjoyed the character of Kota. I doubt Kanan is going to go full blind, alcoholic, badass grandpa, but it's a nice echo.

I can see them not using Coulson himself to keep from confusing people who follow the movies but not the show, but, for instance, May is a pilot and Fitz is an engineer. It wouldn't have been out-of-place or distracting to have them as the console-monkeys on the bridge taking orders from Fury instead of the people

Episode, scene; tomayto, tomahto.

When I was watching Age of Ultron, I was actually a little shocked they didn't have some of the AoS characters cameoing as the bridge crew of the Helicarrier. My friend I saw it with, who hasn't been keeping up with MCU, assumed the crew that was there were the people from the TV show.

I was thinking something similar just before that came up.

I thought Jimmy Olsen was a girl (also only identified in the credits) in Man of Steel?

And Man of Steel. One of the few good things in that movie.

I was nearly shouting at the screen for them to just say the word "Dantooine" at the end. We know where they're ending up, being coy about whether they're still working through red-herring planets is frustrating.

I'll do you one better. Bear McCreary is pretty much the only person where I've bought the soundtracks to stuff I have no intention of seeing (or playing, for his couple of game scores) because the discussion on his blog made it sound like more of the stuff I like.