
The other day at work I had a disagreement with a coworker where he insisted only people from Miami (like the two of us) know who Dave Barry is. I argued he was a national figure.

He's damn opposed! Damn, damn, damn opposed!

I prefer the "Milhouse Divided" version:

The old EU dealt with this annoying question all the time—there were multiple Jedi who survived the purge and just linked up with Luke's order later. In a lot of cases, it came down to "they were busy somewhere else."

The big flaw is that no where else in the movie is it established those paper photographs are (somehow) in 3D. Fine, great, wonderfully futuristic, but a total WTF when Deckard starts changing the perspective of the image.

In the script, they were going to get around that by a group of centurions blast their way into the temple, but they decided that another action scene kind of ruined the mood.

Wasn't there a part after that where they said how when they told EJO about it, as soon as they said the word "dangerous," he was all, "Fuck yeah! Strap me in!"

Very common? Aside from the 12 colonies (any number of which may have been terraformed), there was Kobol (which was cursed by God to be a literal deathtrap), New Caprica (too cold for humans except near the equator), the Algae Planet (no animal life, and if the star was that close to exploding, probably full of

The '90s cartoon show went with that interpretation. In one episode where Clark was apparently murdered, Pa Kent suggested that he'd just have to be Superman full-time now, which Clark shot down on the grounds that being Superman is incredibly stressful and he'd crack up in no time.

It's easy enough to miss in animation, with everyone recording lines separately, probably at different times, maybe even in different places.

Before the Disney acquisition, Lucasfilm was pretty cool about fan films. They even had annual awards. Not sure if that's changed under the new order.

"Suspicion" isn't accurate. The producers of Axanar have been very clear about how the success of their initial funding rounds have caused them to increase their ambitions, and have been very public about their plans, which was to set up the studio in which they would film Axanar as an ongoing concern, and then

The site for the Enterprise-D project is back up, but hasn't been updated since before the takedown, and the creator's Patreon was closed down. He said on Reddit that CBS legal told him they planned to do a crackdown on fan projects this year on account of the 50th anniversary and not wanting any of their own

That's never going to happen again.

-River mentions both being in prison and hints at both why and that she's married to the Doctor, meaning Moffat already had parts of S6 already mapped out. There's no weird reaction to Amy when they meet so maybe he hadn't figured out that part yet

And then they drove a stake through Amy/11's body just to be sure in "Day of the Moon" with the "stupid face," "fell out of the sky" thing.

Well, it was that, or insist that she try to act surprised next time she meets him.

Up till now, I always assumed the diary was bigger on the inside, since the sensible way to write it in such a way as to be useful is to put the entries in the order the other person experienced them (so once you found the most recent thing they did, you'd know not to talk about anything after that in the book), and

It's third hand and I never saw the source, so I don't know how accurate this is, but a comment in an earlier episode review said RTD's plan was that Capaldi in Torchwood was a reincarnation of Capaldi in Pompeii, and the universe was screwing him over to make up for the Doctor saving him and his family when they

I remember watching The Eleventh Hour, watching the credits where the time-vortex was all clouds instead of a tube with fractal noise on it, and then the slow tracking shot of Amy's back yard at night as the credits sparkled in with a little effect, and thinking the show just looked so much more expensive than it had