
"The Future of the Force" showed the Empire kidnapping Force-sensitive babies for unknown reasons, but the presence of the Inquisitors always implied something like that was happening.

That takes me back.

They mention they had spy or reconnaissance images of the base. Presumably they tied that in with Finn's knowledge to actually figure out which parts did what.

Luke got a pretty good handle on the Force between ANH and ESB without any training (I assume Hoth was the first time he received any new information from Obi-Wan's ghost). At the very least, he learned telekinesis, and he wouldn't have even have had a reason to suspect that was a thing he could do. Aside from Vader

Rey has a pretty notable theme. The First Order has one, as well. It's a bit off that Finn and Poe didn't have distinct musical signatures, but not everyone gets one. I don't think Han had a personal theme, for instance.

I did think it was kind of perversely beautiful that Ren took Han up on his offer to do "anything" to help heal the wound in his soul, and Han was kind of okay with it, even if it was allowing himself to be murdered so his son could completely burn the bridge between himself and his feelings of compassion and family.

I think it makes a big difference that Han changed his mind and was willing to reach out to Ben after Leia talked to him, and that even as he was dying, he didn't have any shock or anger or betrayal in his eyes, just love. I wouldn't be surprised if we had an audio cameo by Harrison Ford later on showing that

I was thinking the other day that I kind of wished I hadn't seen the third trailer, because that reverse exterior shot of the Falcon going into hyperspace would've blown my fucking mind in context.

That's essentially what happened in the Old EU. Except it still had Luke's hand attached, so there was some wacky fun with clones.

The impression I got was that the First Order was a bit of an upstart (the same relationship with the Empire as Ren had with Vader: desperate inadequacy), and for whatever reason the Republic couldn't engage them directly, but they could fund the Resistance to fight a proxy war to keep the FO in their region of space

Of the possible origins for Snoke, I think I'd rather stick with the one suggested by Rebels, that he was one of Vader and Palpatine's baby Dark Jedi being raised to be an Inquisitor, or Hand, if those are going to be a thing again.

Exactly what I thought! I kind of loved it that she didn't do any fighting, she was just a huge dick to all of her troops.

I also got the impression that Ren was thinking about asking Han to kill him. Even though the confrontation made it obvious that Han wasn't going to walk off that bridge, they stretched the moment enough to create doubt.

I wasn't even sure Chewie had gotten outside when he set off the explosives until he showed up in the Falcon. Intentional, to raise the tension, but it was also plausible that he was just ready to bring the house down around the little bastard and didn't care about anything else.

As the review pointed out, Star Wars never really had a Sky-Captain flying-ace character. Luke was a crack shot, but his actual flying wasn't that incredible, and Han's wins owed as much to being a grease-monkey who hot-rodded the Falcon as his skill actually flying it. Part of it's just advancements in movie-making

I did kind of like that the impression that Phasma gave was that she was a dick boss. Riding Finn's ass about stepping aside for a breath of fresh air, and then the way he was taunting her when she was captured made it clear he was living out the American Dream, Homer Simpson-style.

Since Luke was charged with training a new generation of Jedi, I'm wondering if both Finn and Rey (and maybe Poe) are all going to be trained in the Force. Rey has the raw talent and good heart, so she's a shoe-in for Designated Jedi, but Finn made the hard choice when the chips were down to not commit violence

Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch.

Well, they're all true to an extent. The writers joked sometimes about how people would freak out they they didn't have a five-year arc planned out from day one. As we met more Cylons, we saw each model had different desires and priorities so, for instance, the Sixes, Eights, and Fives went in on Project: Love while