
This is something I'm sure we'll discuss more in a few weeks, but my point of view was that if the argument doesn't apply to a Centurion, then you can't use the "but they're machines" excuse.

There was a draft where the Quorum actually sided with him, and he killed them because it showed they were spineless and would back whoever was in charge, so he couldn't trust them not to help Roslin when she made her move. I don't recall if changing it was more about making Zarek look less paranoid and psychotic, or


The "perfection" speech was excellent. I still think about it from time to time when I'm making something. It's a wonderful distillation of the creative urge, or indeed any desire for experience or love for life.


I'm not 100% sure, but the tie-in website implies that the ship that was attacking Area 51 crushed Las Vegas on it's way down. So, whoops.

There's a tie-in website with a timeline of history after the original movie and, I shit you not, the section on rebuilding shows the Taj Mahal, London, and another place all being recreated in fucking museum-quality detail. I hope that's an invention of the marketing and not something in the movie so they don't have

Actually, he doesn't put the cigar in until after that line. He had just punched an alien after jumping out a plane, though, so maybe he was winded. The cigar-muffled line was the less-well-remembered "Now that's what I call a close encounter."

Is David Arnold an asshole or something? I can't think of a good reason not to keep using him for ID4 or James Bond.

I work at a fairly technical job that involves a lot of network services, and a couple weeks ago I was gobsmacked when one of my coworkers mentioned he was so unplugged he had no idea what this "Cloud" everyone was talking about was. Granted, you don't need to know how things work to do our job if you can follow

I'd always heard twelve years behind the scenes, though it only became explicit in the "Razor Flashbacks." I think the earliest that the notion made it on-screen was "Colonial Day," when they said it was 52 years since the Articles of Colonization united the twelve worlds under one government. It wasn't said on-screen

No one ever said "equal," just "potential." I think we're disagreeing about extent, more than anything else. If it took years of training under a master, and the details were already only known by adepts made up mostly of the naturally talented, it would be pretty easy to suppress that. Even Luke, who was strong in


Which is funny, because Saul is the older one by a few years*. As per deleted scenes, Bill was somewhere between six and nine when the war began, while Saul was "a teenager" already working on a spaceship. That's about ten years. Oddly enough, in real life, Michael Hogan is three years younger than EJO.

I believe it's omitted from the first few episodes of season 2, but came back after a little while.

There was a guy on the TrekBBS who had such a hate-on for this episode for reasons he had difficulty articulating. As I recall, it boiled down to "Baltar didn't 'frag' Crashdown because he's not in the military," and "Baltar lied about the Cylon positioning since he didn't say he dropped his binoculars," which was fun



Interestingly, JJ Abrams just gave an interview where he also more-or-less endorsed this idea.

There's actually a deleted moment from her death scene where the Doctor tells Rigsy to bring her body home, and tell her family and the school what happened, and then orders Ashilder not to wipe his memory again. The script is on the BBC website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/writer…