
The diamond wall wasn't the only thing not to regenerate. The teleport room didn't (or, at least, it didn't remove the Doctor's body and writing), the various skulls stuck around, the Doctor's clothes stayed by the fire, and the painting of Clara aged.

Well, we don't know anything about Confession Dials anyway. It seems odd that they were made to function in that way (how many times would a Time Lord die in their own Will?), so maybe this one was special. I doubt we'll get any details about the concept on-screen and know how they're supposed to work or why this one

That occurred to me, too. Maybe not the first version, but the first Doctor to set his clothes to dry and leave them behind had to have been (maybe he found a change in that bedroom). My first thought was that it'd take a couple tries for the Doctor to set up all the clues to get him where he needs to go, though he

Sorry, I was speaking generally on the subject.

I'm curious, if I hadn't seen a single-word spoiler last week, if I would have twigged to something I noticed immediately about the castle. The structure, a central column in a vertical shaft connected by bridges radiating out in random directions, is the same as what supports the Time Lord Citadel (at least, since

Well, he isn't human.

Countless copies, the Doctor was only there for one "cycle" of the puzzle (Days? Weeks? Longer?). To paraphrase Teal'c, the final Doctor is the only one of consequence.

I never saw why people hated the idea so much, myself. It's a big universe, a personal connection would make sense as to why the Doctor had a pet planet, which apparently wasn't a typical thing for the already-atypical Time-Lord wanderers.

It's odd, the Imperial military still seems to be an exclusively male organization, but Sabine was in the Academy, so they must have female members somewhere.

I was kind of hoping Supergirl was going to spend the whole scene hovering intimidatingly in the window, a la TAS. I suppose the CG budget for a TV show makes flourishes like that impractical, but you could probably do it fairly cheaply if you really wanted to. Only a couple of full-body flying shots, and then have

When I got the DVD a few months ago, I could not for the life of me remember what that episode was about. I remembered Lisa having a newspaper, but that was in, like, season 15, so that couldn't be it. A couple weeks ago it was alluded to in one of the other Simpsons reviews, and it finally clicked that it was the

When I pay my outrageous Bay Area rent, the premium on which sucks away more money than taxes ever would, I think back to my debates with a college roommate's Fox News watching mother, and how she was sure that once I was in the Real World, I'd join her in thinking any taxes were just too damn high.

No, because there aren't any.

Chopper was jealous, I think. I'm glad he got that character retooling. He really used to be big on murder.

Fits with what we saw of the planet monster dressing itself in the clothes of its victims as camouflage. That could've foreshadowed a bodysnatch.

Disqus might not be playing nice with my browser, but I can't believe no one mentioned one of the surreal jokes that always stuck with me. The family is going to the funeral of an aunt, and Francis is calling home, trying to find out when and how she died since he was out of the loop, but everyone is too busy to talk

Helo on Caprica for the first season-and-a-half of nuBSG. Then the Baltar's Basestar plot line in season 3. Garibaldi was also doing his own thing for most of season 4 of Babylon 5. I can't think of anything that went for more than a full season, though, never mind the entire run of the show like Francis's arc did.

Don't worry, I could tell that was sarcasm.

I was a little surprised by how straight the adaptation was. Aside from the Cat stuff, pretty much all the beats were exactly the same. With the comic-originated villains, they seem to mix it up a lot more.

Does "Old Man Yells At Cloud" count as a file photo?