
Not to disparage the great tactical minds behind Family Guy, but that doesn't really make sense. You don't have infinite directions: You've got a planet on your back. Presumably Vader's fleet was arrayed around and above the rebel base. The only thing that's keeping them from blowing you to hell before you take off is

Cell phone triangulation places you in the area of the friends body during a period of time you can't account for.

On the TrekBBS (and, I don't know, probably everywhere else), every single season there was a vocal minority convinced the show was headed for a total reset and reboot, and that the season finale would eliminate all continuity and history of Doctor Who and Tennant or Smith or whoever would be retconned into being the

I also remembered that episode when the Doctor described how the Osgood boxes stripped away all the fuss and muss of a real war and just did all the death in one quick go. In that case, though, dumbing down war to the essentials just made it more attractive, I guess because you don't have to put up with any strife

I noticed in the background when Ezra first took off, there was a ship of the same type as Lando's EU yacht, the Lady Luck. And then I saw the same ship apparently belonged to Azmorigan when he blasted away in it after his power-generator deal went sour. And now I just looked it up in Wookiepedia, and it seems it was

I've noticed that this season Chopper isn't nearly as murderous as he was last year. I don't mind if he's a jerk, so long as his pranks aren't actually trying to kill the crew.

Well, the New Republic never happened at all, now. It seems the galactic civil war ended in a draw, at best, now.

It also spoke to the fact that she's not a fire-professional. How the hell should she know what the first step is to putting out a giant oil-fire that a bunch of people have already started on? That guy should've just firemansplained to her exactly what he needed done instead just going, "What are you waiting for, put

I like to assume the kryptoniain symbol is actually in the negative space of the "S," so it's actually a sort of slanted flat C next to a left-facing fish above a right-facing fish above a downward-pointing triangle.

I think it's the closed captions.

Ah, but "Death in Heaven" implied it was still around, presumably because "The Stolen Earth" unhappened with all the cracks in time.

Ooh! Ooh! Maybe she was replaced twice, and the real Clara is somewhere else entirely, and the bad-Zygons unknowingly kidnapped (and executed?) a good-Zygon double.


I don't remember if Missy mentioned it, but if so, that was a call-back to Osgood's (pretty) human sister the Zygon taunted her about in "Day of the Doctor."

I believe that was pretty much the arrangement as described in "Death In Heaven;" In case of alien invasion, shut up and do what the Doctor says.

I'm pretty sure it was just stealing clothes from the corpses. Though why it hadn't gone with "spacesuit" earlier was a mystery.

I think that might've just been the day-for-night filming. They didn't motivate whatever was casting all those shadows, the planets and moons we saw were too dark. In reality, it was probably much flatter lighting.

Well, one of them is.

The modern dialogue doesn't really bother me (as the others say, it seems to be a cost of doing business on TV, and the TARDIS explains it away nicely). But Ashildir being offered a cocktail 150 years before they were even invented?

I liked the way they had the TARDIS noise when Jack healed himself in the finale. I wish they'd thought of it earlier. Like, three episodes earlier, with the flashback to when he was still immortal.