
And that'll be how we finally find out the Doctor's real name.

Al Jean called it, but I'm not sure predicting a softball like that would be hit counts for much.

“All pumpkins are racist! The difference is that I admit it.”

It's his first day.

I'm pretty sure Eleven went for a good deal past his best-before date, and would've regenerated from old age centuries earlier if he could've. On the other hand, we've seen the Doctor delay regeneration after it started, and the Master repress the reflex altogether, so I suppose if there was a Time Lord who didn't

Doctor Who has generally had its characters be fairly resilient and able to slip back into their old lives and patterns with ease after years or centuries of being locked in a box, turned to plastic, buried in a hole, being stranded in Cardiff for two hundred years, et cetera.

Actually, she'd probably meet Jack on his first go-around, just after he met the Doctor, so he'd still be well within a human lifetime of experience compared to her many centuries.

No, not the fun one. The depressing one.

In my experience, no one ever got anything dirty through either, even at HHN or Grad Night or whatever. I don't think we ever really tried, though. I think most of our jokes were going for unusual, flamboyant, or hard-to-pronounce names. I remember realizing the attendant skipping one or another, but I can't remember

I wonder if that's going to come back in to play later. It was painfully obvious they looped in the "color of death"/"color of life" lines after-the-fact, but now with the comments beginning to speculate on how this can tie into the finale, I'm wondering if there might be some color-coded symbolism in "Heaven Sent"

If anything, the Doctor slightly mischaracterizes his relationship with Jack when he says he "traveled with an immortal," which isn't quite an accurate description of his time with Jack.

I liked the aspect of the episode that was a love-letter to Universal Studios' Halloween Horror Nights. I mean, beyond the obvious parody with the Krustyland version, you can get that from the ads and a wikipedia article. No, it was the otherwise-inexplicable E.T. joke. That means someone on the Simpsons staff has

I was pleasantly surprised that was in this episode. I'd thought it was from the Flaming Moe one.

There was a teeny tiny bit in the episode, when Clara was testing the Doctor about him and Ashildr constantly staring at each other. "She's nice. I'll fight you for her."

I'm not sure that the Doctor was unusually bad so much as Romana was unusually good. The Doctor has seemed to get better at regenerating as time went on, pulling sly tricks like preventing the change from completing and delaying the process for longer periods so he could get important stuff done before he got the

The Doctor mentioned the lining of Clara's spacesuit would amplify the electricity.

They got them when they went over to pick up the cornseed.

I realize that, for many people, "Serial" is the story, and not the case itself (especially since this is an entertainment website), but considering the A.V. Club flirted with having a Serial beat, it'd be nice if they could keep tabs on the case outside of when the show posts a blog update.

Jay didn't necessarily know where the body was, that came from Mr. S, the streaker. Jay did apparently know where the Hae's car was, though, but given everything else, he could've been fed that too, or just seen the car while going about his business. It seems odd that he should know where to find the car because he

Additionally, Kanan is incognito. A probe droid seeing some Rebels is bad, but a probot spotting a Jedi means "the Sith Lord" will come straight for them. There was a related moment last season when Ezra revealed his lightsaber/blaster combo when Kanan tried to stop him from turning it on and giving them away.