
Given that "Kenobi" isn't really in a position to contradict anything such it's such a small-scale story, it's entirely possible it'll be reintroduced to the new canon through the back door, being referenced in some subsequent novel or comic. They said from day one they were more than willing to continue taking stuff

As I recall from Wookiepedia, someone (I assume this Coruscant Nights person) figured that Anakin was probably killed in the Jedi Temple, defending the children from Darth Vader.

I believe it's actually the Bible, the other source of the majority of english idioms.

No, the best thing was the Objectivist theme park in 2. Insert giant mechanical fist coming out of the sky and smashing a farmhouse here.

Jet fuel, too, and a few other things that aren't practical to replace with alternative energy sources. But by that point, there'd be an infrastructure for plant-based substitutes for applications where oil can't be replaced. It doesn't seem like it'd be worth the trouble to try and exploit an underwater petroleum

I'm surprised there's still oil in the 22nd century.

I thought Clara's appetite for danger very clearly echoed "The Impossible Planet," thought I admit part of it might've been the very similar situation. Still, Rose and the Doctor were approaching peak cockiness ("It looks dangerous, maybe we should leave" *hysterical laughter*), and one of the things that I do like

I remember some people were sure it was intentional that when the Doctor was talking to himself in "Mummy on the Orient Express" that Capaldi was channelling Tom Baker when doing Other Doctor's lines.

Apparently, "bullshit" is acceptable, but just "shit" gets bleeped. Joining the realm of teeter-totter compound swears like "asshole" (where "hole" is the bleeped part) and goddamn.

Aslo, timey-wimey. The Dalek spy could've been sent by Colony Sarff as advance backup. They could've left at the same time, but arrived weeks or months apart.

Oswin had also put a lot of mental effort into blocking out the Dalek programming. Visualizing herself in a sealed pod, constantly re-boarding up the door to keep Dalek ideas out, doing thought exercises to focus her identity (reciting memorized recipes, dictating messages to her mother, playing music in her head).

Sure the Doctor knew Skaro was back/rebuilt. He's been there before, in "Asylum of the Daleks." Missy was the one who was surprised there was a Skaro for them to land on, but she's been out of circulation for a while.

I have no idea whether it actually fit Troughton's finger, but it was a bit of business that it fell off his apparently-smaller finger once he regenerated and they were establishing this was the same guy with a new face.

I was expecting someone to be attacked by giant foam mushrooms and clams.

It's also modeled after a ring the First Doctor wore, that he stopped when it didn't fit the Second Doctor's finger.

This was definitely a different building/set (or at least a different room, though the architecture this time was different from what I've seen of the Temple of Peace in other episodes). I think it owes as much to the change in cinematography style that happened when Moffat took over, which made the show look

Don't forget the stupid high-speed gross-out eating.

Only sometimes, apparently. I guess the Silent that sabotaged the TARDIS made a really bad choice for what wires to cross.

I think Moffat's only responsible for two of those (season 6 and "Time of the Doctor"), but it doesn't help that RTD poisoned the well with "Waters of Mars" and "The End of Time."

The idea that the Master should mirror the Doctor also informed John Simms' version, both diegetically and exegetically. "If the Doctor can be young and strong, then so can I."