
I thought immediately that "hand mines" was the most RTD thing Moffat has ever written, beating out "wi-fi is eating people."

They all but called themselves Time Lords in "Night," so there's a teeny amount of wiggle-room, but I don't think the Doctor would've been quite as dramatic about being "the last one" if the Time Lords' even-more-Time-Lordy cousins were still doing their thing back in Kasterborus. I was hoping there would be some

She had no ability to separate wheat from the chaff, so things like the defense attorney not using certain information.

At this point, I'm convinced that neither Jay nor Adnan had anything to do with the murder. If anything, I think it's slightly more likely (though still very unlikely) that Adnan killed Hae in a way completely different than the prosecution's theory than that Jay had even the slightest involvement with the crime.

Yes, but if you flip that around, it suddenly becomes great infographic or marketing fodder. I'd buy the shit out of a train sold to me as being "so powerful it expends all the energy of a human lifetime in a single instant."

True fact: On "Mission: Space" I reached over and pushed my neighbor's non-interactive button when they weren't playing along with the ride. I was like Sulu in that episode where the guy who isn't Chekov spends the whole time whining and peeing himself until Kirk fobs him off on the alien of the week.

Oh, here they are.

Oh. I just thought they were being condescending. That's not the right word. But somehow giving low-level workers more glamorous titles seems… yeah, condescending.

More than you'd think, probably, but I was actually referring to Star Wars, there.

The real question is, when are high-res versions of that concept art being put up? I want it in my desktop rotation, like, yesterday.

Not necessarily. Avatar isn't quite on the scale of Star Wars so it might not be fast-tracked,* and the Variety article says that they're "casting" for the parks imminently (given it's Disney, I'm assuming that's a euphemism for hiring theme park workers, and not that they're finding actors for pre-recorded segments

I remember first hearing it when he was on Ally McBeal, and that was his big second chance.

I'm not sure it's much of a strawman. Look at the publicity bushes for "The Force Awakens" and "Fury Road," which downplayed the idea that anyone involved had ever seen a computer. "This is a real desert, with real sand!"

A 2,000 mile radius around Garland, Tx, encircles the contiguous United States. 2,653 miles from Orlando just barely includes the northwestern corner of Washington state, a a few miles due west of the extreme southern tip of Vancouver Island.

See, what you needed to do is go to college in Orlando (or LA? I can't remember) so you can just go to Universal whenever and get the real thing, and lamely flirt with the girl selling it from the stall.

I definitely did not expect the VC deathsquad plot to tie up with, what, five or six episodes left in the season? Though I suppose it could still play out with some sort of mistaken identity thing, now that we know Rahm was a rogue agent. The VC could send a group to take him down, but Defiance assumes they're his

1788. Prior to that, the several states operated under the Articles of Confederation, an impotent coalition which created a federal government which was little more than a gentleman's debate club.

I said it after McCain said something mean about Limbaugh and he and the rest of the GOP candidates had to go and kiss his ass to make up for it back in 2007. At that point, the inmates were running the asylum, and it was only a matter of time. A longer time than I would've expected, honestly. Maybe Trump will finally

I'm going to have to ask for a reference on this. It could just be that the model shots looked especially unflattering since they seemed to film them in stop-motion rather than motion-control, so each frame was unnaturally sharp.

That's correct. Looks like it was poached from another internet supercut, probably from when the "Guile's Theme Goes With Everything" meme was big.