
…to say nothing of the terrible CGI ships from Star Trek V

It's scope-creep. No one is going to use this tool to just do what they could've done before for a bit less money, they'll take the same money and do stuff that would've been impossible before. And then the boundary of "impossible" just gets pushed further and further back…

They sort of did do this very thing for the 3D re-release of the first two Toy Stories when the third came out.

It was less the white versus grey and more the reflectivity of it. In the first movie, they used a different process for shooting the model so it didn't matter that the paint-job was super-glossy, but ILM shot their models against blue-screen, and the blue kept getting reflected in it, so they put on some dull-coat to

I've noticed a lot of the places syndicating this focus on the bad CGI aspect (or, better, the "CGI is always bad" aspect. You didn't notice half the CG in the last live-action movie you saw, and neither did I). I blame the "Force Awakens" and "Mad Max" publicity machines for reviving the canard that things audiences

The digital make-up thing is absolutely incredible. Just limiting it to realistic stuff and not creature effects like Davy Jones or Two-Face, the other thread has a pretty good timeline of the technique, from X-Men 3 (that's the first I remember hearing it attempted), to Tron, to Benjamin Button, and then it just

But it was was so obviously glued together with liberal amounts of CGI that it took the wonder out of it. It was more or less like watching a cartoon.

Mood swings? Mood swings. Mood swings!

Did you write those "Behind the meme" videos they did?

My daddy's daddy fought for the Republic, my daddy fought for the Republic, and my daddy's clones fought for the Republic!

Which really doesn't pass the smell test. "Sorry, Walter, Bill just couldn't get the words out, so we're abandoning that plot-line for the sequel where we write you out of the cast." Also, while there's some amount of glamour and spin-off-potential to Sulu becoming a Captain, practically it reduced his role in TUC to

I'm not sure if that's a writing thing or an acting thing. Because it's not that whole episode, it's literally the next scene where Bashir starts acting creepy with his convenient spy-sandwiches. Up until that point, he was still playing normal-Bashir.

The conventional wisdom is that BSG is more Moore's (ha!) attempt to remake Voyager. There were a couple interviews where he discussed what he felt went wrong with Voyager, and ways he thought would've been better. Stuff like the Maquis and the Starfleet crews integrating almost immediately, the lack of long-term

While I was watching, I wished I hadn't seen the title for next week's episode, but then by the end, I found that, apparently, that title is actually a spoiler (or not?) for something that happens in that episode, and not this one. I guess. Either way, I kind of miss when they were all song lyrics. At least they're

I'm 90% sure that Eisenberg is wearing a wig. Or will have that ridiculous hair blasted clean off his scalp by an errant heat-vision ray or something. Apparently Superman just can't keep a lid on that.

I always adored "Judy Is Your Viet Nam," primarily because it reminds me of when I was young and foolish.

So, Defiance review thread: Spoilers and such.

I remember Keillor once making a crack about how TV late night shows have a warm-up comedian come out to get the crowd so excited they'll crack up at any little thing. I guess his philosophy goes big in the other direction.

Like Werner Hertzog doing a hardcore pornography adaptation of Savage Love! Or James Cameron making a biopic of Howard Stern! Or Edgar Wright filming a bar-hopping comedy about The Talk Show with John Gruber!

He did, but then he changed his mind. I don't think he ever set a date before, though, just had vague plans about moving on in a year or two.