
Seriously? I knew Google's cafeterias were free, but employees can just walk out of the gift shop with a wheelbarrow full of branded jackets, shirts, mugs, and other swag?

Well, I'm a pragmatic utopian socialist, so saying that people don't get credit for helping others if they themselves benefit kind of pisses over my whole worldview and, indeed, the concepts of society and civilization as a whole.

Extry, extry, read all about it! Branded merch costs more than unbranded! Premium prices charged for advertising social associations! Capitalism screws common man!

I thought that the reason the people in Tarkintown were imprisoned was to use them as bait for the Rebels (since they couldn't very well rescue a bunch of dead people), but that never came up after Vader said he would use the rebels' compassion against them.

I did wonder for awhile if Tua wasn't defecting but this was her version of a "creative" gambit to draw the rebels out.

Stormtroopers going into a bolt-hole blasting away is tons more competent than earlier in the episode, when they just stood there for five seconds before deciding to maybe fire at the people with guns who just started shooting at them.

I'm not sure how I feel about them giving into temptation with Pilar's "Come with me if you want to live" line.

Greatest missed opportunity in Enterprise:

Earth Republic has bigger problems than one tapped-out mine considering their capital was destroyed and their military is busy doing something that isn't keeping VC death-squads out of North America.

They're not bad folk, they're just so relentlessly enthusiastic about their enthusiasms.

I assume the Omec created the Indogenes. There's been stuff implying they didn't evolve naturally from the beginning (the way they interface with technology, that they can reshape themselves into other appearances, the similarity between their skin, their interfaces, and their extremely-planned writing system), but

What's the over-under on the VC psycho getting eaten by one of the Omec as poetic justice or whatever?

You can get away with a lot when you're the only person who actually knows anything about the apocalypse that inexplicably stopped just as quickly as it started. Last season's finale must've been a crazy day for anyone outside Defiance. The ark ships reactivate, and start terraforming over human and votan cities

Plus, she's probably shoot him in the back if he tried to leave with the baby. Or without him, for that matter.

Nolan's chief means of communicating is flirting. I wonder if he would've been quite so optimistic if he'd seen her jaw unhinge right when she was going to start chewing on his face.

I'm not sure the grimness will be quite so unrelenting, at least in the long term (longer term than even this season). This show has a lot of nuBSG DNA in it, and despite appearances, that show was fundamentally optimistic. This episode had the writers indulging in their darkest impulses (I recognized a few of the

That never stopped Xena.

I deleted Cracked from my feed reader earlier this year and haven't missed it. Partially because I wasn't enjoying it as much, mostly because they went from three articles a day to, like, twelve.

Huh. Well I'll be damned.