
Exactly. I think there's ample evidence that between cable nicheifying* TV and greater respect for the medium by the audience (and vice-versa), Police Squad! could've had a long and successful run if it came out in this era. Assuming they didn't run out of ideas before the end of the first season, which the producers


I'm of the opinion that a new TV show should take place in the JJ-verse for various reasons (specifically, movie/TV tie-ins are neat, and I'm really digging this Papal Schism thing that's going on with at least three different continuations of the original timeline), but I think that it's actually more likely a new TV

"Is it true you can kill someone just by looking at them?"

Disqus ate my follow-up when you posted yours, but this was basically the punchline of my reply, except with more 3D dick-measuring. So, yeah. Robot-arm face-tracking active-camoflauge projector: More plausible than realistic latex masks.

All they said was something about him "losing hope which he never should've had in the first place." My interpretation was that he saw the world was going to end in the machine and wanted to take more active measures to stop it. It probably also have had something to do with the invitation pins, why it was decided not

I suppose part of the thinking is that, if you're curious about backstory details that aren't directly relevant to the plot, you can look them up through the tie-in material on the internet. It's up to you whether this is crass commercialism, selling an incomplete film that can only be enjoyed by further brand

I don't understand at all what the villain was trying to do. Did he plant the vision of the apocalypse in Cloony's machine? Because he wanted to exterminate the human race and live alone in the now run-down Tomorrowland? Why, though?

Wasn't the entire point of that scene that the corridor gag could only work on one person because it adjusted the image to match the perspective from the viewer's point of view using eye tracking to generate a forced-perspective image, and that's why it broke when the second guy came in the room and it couldn't force

PHC has given me belly laughs. There was the one about when he was a kid and threw a tomato at his sister (I think he's told it more than once. The version I'm thinking of has lots of imagery), or the posse that went out in the manure truck to find the kids who were vandalizing something or other.

Come sit right back and hear a tale of a game now lost to history. A singularly ambitious title, from the height of the space-combat sim boom of the late '90s. Babylon 5: Into the Fire. At first, it would seem to be a straightforward space-combat game, X-Wing without the X-WIngs, but twists started piling up. A

Plus, SHIELD knows she recovered before, and how. I'm sure her body is someplace safe (hopefully safer than the liquid-rock), or cremated. Do they still have access to that rocket base that allegedly fired things into the sun? That's one way to be sure.

I loved your Onion Talk!

I know we've never seen a non-human animal touch a Diviner, but it seems like a stretch that the Kree metal would only be lethal to humans and not to any other animals that weren't inhumans-in-waiting. Since the fish didn't get all crumbly (until they were breaded and fried), I'm guessing it's all mist and no metal.

Last night in San Francisco, they mentioned something about trying until they get it right. Could be a joke, or could since they're on tour they don't really have any time to rehearse in private, so they decided to make it a gag.

That's really good considering it's all repurposed movie footage. Yeah, the scaling is all off, but there's not much to be done for that if you aren't working from scratch. I actually had to watch the POV shot of the TIE strafing the Enterprise twice to figure out how it was done.

SHIELD has something the Inhumans need; the capability to take care of any five-year-old psychic mass-murderers they accidentally create without bringing down their whole society. They also have something the Inhumans don't need; a paramilitary force (including superheroes on retainer) with the ability to track them

Works for me!

Also, it's just a tiny bit suspicious that Gonzalez was killed by Kree metal. "Lucky I had this fragile piece of crystal that's insanely lethal to humans handy!"

"Now that I'm dead, and you've turned my name to mud while lionizing yourself, I'm pretty sure that, in the end, you've come out ahead in terms of having been screwed over by HYDRA."