
Didn't Cal touch a Diviner to prove to Whitehall that he was worth listening to?

Theta Protocol was…like, I mean, what else could it have been, but also it sure doesn't seem like Coulson's actually in control of that, right?

Coulson seems to have better negotiation skills (for instance, see the beginning of the episode where he gets everything he wants in the guise of giving OlmostSHIELD everything they want). Gonzalez, on the other hand, asked for everything he wanted in the guise of asking for everything he wanted, and not offering

Deep thoughts: How does the automatic door know not to open when he's standing there emoting against it? It's not even the only time it happened on the show.

If they could avoid the bizarre canon ouroboros that was Uru's backstory and just stick to the novels and first four games in terms of lore, that'd be great.

Oh, Goddammit, why did you have to remind me that was a thing?

Maybe they'll find another one to drag out of mothballs. Apparently, back before the Cloudbase, there were a ton of them around. It might be a bridge too far if they reuse the in-joke tail number, though. At least repaint the inside or something!

I'll give you "acted," but I think my description of Fisk as an "overgrown baby" indicates I didn't find him that interesting or well-written. He may have had a bunch of interesting scenes, and could be scary as hell, but that doesn't make him a great character if they don't add up to a compelling person. Fisk already

So, continuing my thoughts from a couple days ago, I cannot buy Wilson Fisk as a successful mob boss. Or even a mob boss at all. A lot can be explained by being richer than God and cultivating a cult of personality, but how did he managed to hold it together long enough to get a wheelbarrow full of money and a

I've been watching Justified with a friend, and I think when we get there, I'm going to make sure we're in a position to binge the last three episodes as a unit. I have a feeling that the final arc will play really well as one pseudo-movie (in addition to, in that framework, being more of a bloodbath). Plus, it means

I think Coulson and company have had enough experience with Cal to handle a coddled overgrown baby who has murderous temper-tantrums over every little thing.

Yeah, when someone in a story spends scenes talking about how they're going to do something rather than just doing it, it's a pretty big clue they're not going to get to do it.

Well, yes. I still think it would be an interesting backfire if whoever we put in the situation actually went through with shooting Weasley specifically because he assured them that it wouldn't work and relieved the moral pressure.

Not to mention how important it was that everyone on the planet knew that he was this close to taking a drink himself. Honestly.

Think about this: if it's Matt in the same situation (without all his other super powers), he would have to be struggling with a kill or no kill dilemma.

I'm waiting to get into this for the finale review so I can put everything in full context, but even at this point I'd come around to the opinion that Fisk's criminal operation really sucks. I have a hard time buying that he could reach the position he was in given what we've seen of him. Yes, the other crime bosses

"Just ask this scientician!"

I'm not sure how old Skinner is supposed to be… wait, yes I am, wasn't he something like 45 in "Grade School Confidential"? So he would've left when he was three based on his line about not being in town for 42 years.

I know, right? I think Kingpin has a better percentage of the NYPD than Hydra had of SHIELD. Certainly in that precinct.

I remember someone noted that one of the robots at the demolition derby place was super-proud he had a TV screen in his chest or head, and the images from David's memory appeared on the same place on the future mecha at the end. That and aliens never coming up before are the only clues I can remember.