
Which reminds me to check…

Ava was probably giving Raylan something good in the hopes it would shut him up about Bulletville. It was a desperate play, and probably was the nail in the coffin convincing him she'd been made.

Didn't he just kill a bunch of people a few weeks ago? I remember there was a deleted scene where he shot the safecracker's girlfriend when she wanted more hush money, but I could've sworn Duffy just plugged a couple guys recently on-screen, too.

I was shocked when the episode didn't go to credits after Boyd and Ava's conversation about the value of money versus piles of boxes representing money. Seemed like the kind of scene an episode would end on, but then we got a bonus act of amazing stuff.

Wynn Duffy, the Beeper King of East Kentucky.

I was wondering if I was misremembering that Aunt Helen was buried in the yard, too, but, no, that last long shot showed her little cheap headstone off behind the other three. I guess the writers aren't counting on the audience remembering Aunt Helen, what with her being dead for two-thirds of the show and all (minus

Though, naturally, Star Trek: Online has gone with the Borg-Made-V'Ger theory, despite it not making anything more than superficial sense (why would the Borg feel sympathy for anything and altruistically help it achieve it's goal without any quid-pro-quo? Why not assimilate the probe, or ignore it as being too

Killing the frat boys would've been a bad move all around. It's a highway rest stop, so someone would pass by and see them fairly soon (unless he tried to hide the truck and the bodies, which would slow him down). Plus, dead men can't lay down blatantly, pointlessly false credit-card trails. Pretty sure he still

Well, he'd definitely planned the big dramatic "take the gun and shoot me" move in advance. It wouldn't surprise me if accusing her of cheating was another one of the many, many things he thought of testing her with, along with talking about marriage and betrayal and violence and everything.

According to the post-mortem, but they had six babies, which I guess makes it pretty easy to have one who's crying and one who isn't at any given time.

I was terrified something was going to happen to Winona and Willa as soon as I heard they were going to visit Kentucky. I'm not thrilled by the fact that Avery Markham had a chance to see Raylan bouncing a baby on his leg.

Didn't he return the money at the beginning of season 2 so they'd take his ankle bracelet off?

I think Tim's a bigger asshole than Raylan. Or, at least Tim-to-Raylan much more than Raylan-to-Tim. Probably a military thing, that weird sense of humor (like the time he spent a season pretending he thought Raylan killed Gary in the middle of the night.)

And don't forget what a big movie buff Raylan is. It's been a while since we had an update about his Netflix queue, though.

Ever since I read the books and saw what an important element of his character Book!Raylan's deep and abiding love for ice cream was, I keep a look-out for it in the show. They still remember it from time to time, but it doesn't come up half as much as it did on the page.

"Random Marshall." Pfft! He's Nelson Goddamn Dunlop, the guy with the name they bring in a couple times every season when they need to show that more people than Raylan, Tim, and Rachel work at the office. He's first among extras.

I think the idea is the dark side is a perversion of the larger Force, which is what the Jedi draw on. Rarely, if ever, is "the light side" of the Force referred to in canon. Jedi talk about "the Force," but Sith specify "the dark side."

I noticed this episode that his wound was on the right side of his head, but the left side was paralyzed (or numb or whatever the correct term is). I think the thing about your motor skills being controlled by the opposite half of the brain is still a thing. So many "common knowledge" health facts being debunked all

I was so disappointed there weren't any stray observations. "Silver lining, you keep that card on you, the cops ever find you buried in a shallow grave, they know to give us a call."

Didn't Boyd already try to play the Nicky Augustine card, and everyone agreed that, officially, he was full of shit and it was the dead FBI guy who rumors placed at the scene?