
I think it was just an awkwardly placed scene. The way it was put elides it with the scene of Markham testing Hale and makes it look like there's a connection between that and Art's interest, when it's perfectly plausible he just wanted to look into it on his own. I got the same impression, but decided against it

I think you're thinking of Emmett Annett's secretary (who was also Quarles's spy), but I'm not sure if she counts as a prostitute. I mean, kind of?

I got a "Where's Firefly?" notification for this?

I almost thought Bob might've burned off his reputation and made it look like he was stopping Errol for racial reasons because he didn't have any other pretense for getting him out the door.

Good, solid, American cars?

I figured having the option to fake a hit on Ivchenko was the reason for using a beacon disguised as a rifle rather than just the beacon. If someone looked out the window and spotted her flashing messages into the building with just a light, she and Ivchenko would both be screwed, but in this case, if someone sees

I'm pretty sure the house was the Bennet home.

You see, here we have another problem that could be solved with more forthright communication. Between Boyd and Ava, I mean. Communication between Ava and Boyd or Ava and Katherine would not solve problems.

Just as long as he's held it together better than Dickie. It'd break my heart to see Bobby Quarrels so totally in his own world.

That was really common with 2G connections. From around 2004 to 2008, I couldn't go near anything with low-end speakers without hearing that popping, burping cell-phone signal being picked up by the wires.

Don't forget the swastika!

I can't fathom how a proscution's work can be sloppy when it causes a hung jury in one trial and a guilty conviction within a half-hour in the next.

It's emblematic of a sloppiness with which the prosecution assembled the whole case. The motive is essentially speculative (they broke up, and that tends to make people murderous, but you can't specificize trends into any given individual case as a fact), the "I will kill" note only means something if he actually

Maybe Koenig didn't read the AT&T cover letter that carefully. The statement about the relative reliability of cell-tower-pinging isn't the only piece of information from the letter that didn't make it on to the show. They also failed to mention that prosecutor was incorrect when he said Adnan must've had his phone in

Hey, fun boys! Get a room!

It's like a baby portmanteau. I keep wanting to read it as "promosexual."

Yes, that's correct. Perhaps you could develop your opinion further than just restating the facts relayed by the article in a sarcastic manner.

If this does go to a second trial, I wouldn't be surprised by a This American Life episode covering it, once it's all over. Anything other than that, like a denial of a new trial or a plea bargain, and I don't think there'd be enough story for another hour of reporting.

My first guess was that Archer sabotaged the elevator as a prank on Mallory and didn't expect to arrive before her, but that doesn't work because it was Ray calling Mallory's number that triggered the message, which means he either altered Ray's phone's speed-dial, or set up call-forwarding on Mallory's phone so that

It was the gap between appearances that did it, I think. Woodhouse's voice had been gradually becoming higher and faster (I assume closer to the actor's natural voice) as time went on. Watch "The Papal Chase" next to "Drift Problem" or "Midnight Ron," and it's not exceptionally different. The change is only pronounced