
I don't expect they'll go into it, but my take from how much it relaxed her was that she put on the handcuff as a security blanket, and not because she'd never not done it.

"By 'kind of,' I mean 'repeatedly,' and by 'dog,' I mean 'son.'"

You noticed "B" too, huh? I wonder if that was accidental or not.

It's supposed to be the same house, but I'm pretty sure they had to recreate the set after the pilot. Maybe it was a real house in the first episode? They did some shooting in Kentucky for that one. Don't hold me to any of this, I'm pretty sure I'm filling in a lot of blanks with trivia from "Caprica."

Raylan's explanation of how he started drinking first after work but got drunk last won me over.

I also liked the stand-alone adventures more than most seem to. I wonder sometimes about what the show would've been like if Walton Goggins hadn't knocked everyone's socks off and Boyd had died in the pilot, and the episodes didn't have to be split three ways between the marshals, Boyd's gang, and the

I was wondering about whether Raylan mentioned it, and if so, why they were still riding Ava so hard. Thinking it over, he almost certainly did, because he's not totally incompetent, but all it tells them is that Boyd (probably, but not iron-clad for a trial) robbed the bank, which they already knew (but not enough to

If he's as connected with the old Harlan crime scene as implied, he might've also been thinking about Mags, or even Raylan's own mother. Plus all the other women of (or adjacent to) crime he's had occasion to meet over the years.

In that case, Luke learned to be a Jedi over a long weekend, at most. Or several years, depending on how you interpret the conflicting implication about time and distance given in the movie.

Yes, but when will they come out with an OST? I really want Quarels's creepy piano theme.

That's probably not the greatest decision the bad guys could've made, given that they're apparently neighborly with Raylan.

4. Day-drinker, but, then, who isn't in this town?

I wonder how accurate that story was. You can't be that little of a kid if you're hitting guys "like a choo-choo train."

Tim is the wind beneath my wings.

I have trouble keeping track of the tertiary characters on this show. How new is New Guy? New enough that he might not recognize that gator-tooth necklace as belonging to the guy his boss just killed, and might not realize that it was its late owner's trademark?

Lisa dropped into being a regular Simpson a few times this season.

That's a thing, right? Like, people said it in the George Reeves show or something? I've tried looking it up, but it's all references to that scene in Superman Returns, or the soundtrack of that scene in Superman Returns, or another, unrelated song.

They're all made-up words, technically.

Only the first season, though.