
The pictures are bigger than postage stamps, that's good enough for me. After deciphering the first few years of John Eaves's* blog, the text could be english transliterated into japanese for all I care.

The posters are probably considerably cheaper to license than the actual music.

I found the blog of the guy who drew that, and a bunch of the other Star Trek ship cutaways. Living the dream, man. http://trekspert.blogspot.com

After the time she exposed the dark heart of Lana's soul, I suspected that Cheryl actually was the Gypsy Woman.

I'm surprised they didn't mention Mallory's vendetta against the Irish for being neutral in the war, which I'd assumed was where Archer's idea came from. Or maybe it was just a deep-cut misdirect setting up the final line.

It's not necessarily that tremendous a stroke of luck. I don't know off-hand when Jay first mentioned Nisha. It could've been during or after the police interview where he walked through the phone record. If the Nisha call definitely came up before that, though, it would make for it a more compelling anecdote.

Azmorigan's ship also looked like it was the same make as Jabba's sail barge.

They pitched up BDW's voice when he got socked in the gut, and it didn't sound that great.

There's a ton of stuff in Serial about how the Nisha call doesn't add up to anything damning. Nisha only remembers talking to Jay once, after he got the job at the porn store, which was well after the murder. And the possibility that she's lying or mistaken is reduced by the final episode proving, in detail, that a

And even then, Jay's story doesn't correspond to reality. The prosecution's timeline has Adnan calling him for help an hour earlier than Jay consistently testified. Move the call forward an hour to Jay's time, and nothing comes close to adding up.

That's how you get to be a Legendary Anchorman.

I'm always a little confused when I see articles describing Boyd as a "master schemer" or something. Being a little more clever or cunning than most of the criminals doesn't make him a mastermind, except by default. He screws up (or lucks out) a lot.

I'm still upset they killed Aunt Helen. Never let it be said Justified couldn't make the hard choices.

I believe Boyd was only interested in the box marked with the fingerprints, but took a few others to make it less obvious to the police what was stealing.

At first I was thinking he'd die crashing the tow truck. Then when he went back to Boyd, I knew these were the end times for Dewey Crowe. Then the scene went just long enough that I started to doubt…

I'll say. Her butt polished the bannister.

And then it turns right around when Smithers is so appreciative about how impressed Homer is by drawing names out of a hat.

This morning, I opened the door to find my roommates had ordered a large poster. I don't care what else I do, this weekend was made when I got to say, "What the hell is this, some kind of tube?" in an appropriate context.


I still find it hard to believe "yoink" originated with The Simpsons. It's the perfect sound for yoinking something away.