
There was the line about sending Bart into America's next military quagmire, which could be anywhere with "Commander Cookoo-Bananas in charge."

If anyone asks, you were at the flower shop.

I feel like Ezra Klein quoted that one, once.

Says you, woman.

“I warned ye! Di’n’t I warn ye? That colored chalk was forged by Lucifer himself!”

Boy, when Marge first told me she was going to the police academy, I thought it'd be fun and exciting, you know, like that movie, "Spaceballs". But instead it's been painful and disturbing like that movie, "Police Academy".

“I'll tell you someone who cares. He's got long hair, works as a carpenter, has a lot of ‘crazy ideas’ about love and brotherhood.”
“His name's Gunther and he's dating my mom. Sometimes he buys us beer.”

You make a good point about trying to match the aesthetic of the live-action footage in the visual effects shots. I was doing a fan-remaster of a Babylon 5 episode, and I gave the idea a lot of thought of trying to match the cinematography of the live-action footage, both in terms of camera moves and stuff like

The fact that it matches with the evidence is certainly a credit.

On a professional level, I never really understood how TOS-R turned out the way it did. Memory Alpha had some stuff on the behind-the-scenes challenges, but it still doesn't fully explain why the space stuff ranged from middle-of-the-road to amateurish, while the replacement matte paintings of planet surfaces were

I'm more-or-less the same age as The Simpsons, and I remember it was delightful when I turned 10 in the 4th grade and was the same age as Bart.

“Gone bowling. Not back, avenge death.”

That was something I twigged to, as well. In this enlightened modern era, one would hope Peggy's dressing-down would include her firing back that she saved her boss from himself (and by "himself," I mean "an indictment for withholding 'bad evidence' to coerce a potentially false confession") by making his little

I think I prefer "I meant an award worth winning" [The Simpsons Writers do not consider the Grammies an award at all] gag from…

I need the biggest Simpsons retrospective you have.

The show's actually been surprisingly good about keeping to a 1 season = 1 year timeframe, so if they do, it ought to be followed by a joke about Conway not knowing how babies work.

Yeah, I just assumed it was continuing the eggplant running joke.

Speaking of Woodhouse: Fun fact I didn't ever read anywhere but found out accidentally a few weeks ago:

There was an official comic set around Halo 4 that came out after FFoA was finished that revealed Jun did, in fact, survive the war.

The pre-Arbiter was there in the storyline, but the character didn't appear in the game. The only place he could've appeared is the Elite multiplayer game modes. It probably wouldn't have been worth it to get him just to record a dozen lines, and they couldn't shoehorn in a campaign cameo a la Buck because of the