
Have you read "A Fistful of Arrows"? You should read a "A Fistful of Arrows."

I know it would've been an irresponsible use of a limited budget, but I would've loved if they could've gotten Keith David (or Robert Davi) to cameo as the Elite narrator in the Spartan vs. Elite game modes in Reach.

However, the basic fact remained the same in each incarnation of the story: Adnan killed Hae.

Also, what kind of Jedi Master starves to death waiting for his/her apprentice to come back from these trials?

Well, it sucks to be that one guy, that's for sure. Here's hoping his family was okay. Still, UNIT or ersatz American pseudo-Torchwood or whoever can probably take care of one surviving dream crab.

I joked about that in the comments for the finale, but if we have to fan-wank an explanation for why we never hear of Orson Pink's ancestry again, it's a distant third behind "He's Danny's great-great-grand-nephew" and "time can be rewritten, there is now never going to be an Orson Pink, and someone else got stranded

Thank you! I'd started to think I'd imagined the scene where the Doctor has to save an airplane. I'd remembered it as being with Amy and Rory, so I was looking for it in "The Power of Three," during an adventure cut-away.

It was so sweet when they quoted the scene in "Time of the Doctor" where Clara has to help the aged Doctor to pull his end of the Christmas cracker. I can definitely believe that there's an alternate version of the scene where this was Clara's exit, and Moffat's going to have a challenge if he wants to match it when

I wouldn't call it viral marketing, but every action since the first threats were made against showing The Interview was the most logical step in an attempt to turn lemons into lemonade. From day one, it was clear that the movie would see the light of day, probably on its original release date, and it would probably


“It’s french, bitch.”

PK Winsome has appeared fairly recently a couple times. Not to mention the nihilistic german ambassador, and Buddy Cole during the Sochi Olympics at the beginning of the year.

I liked the symbolism of having the mean/conservative Colbert fade away at the end of that segment.

This is peripherally related to one of the greatest things I ever saw (in person, in the last year), a take-down of Tim Draper's "University of Heroes" private, non-accredited diploma-mill/scam, which began by identifying Draper as "the Silicon Valley Proto-Douche." The website has been redesigned to be less

There was a financial news bit he did which was basically Jim Kramer meets This Week In God. He had a red button that would answer his rhetorical questions with a single word in his own voice. The first time, one of the answers was “Bees!” and henceforth, the button kept getting stuck on that, whether it made sense or

One of the first things I noticed as part of the Report's wrap-up was months ago, when he concluded a bit with a sudden doorbell ring, which had a burrito delivery that he didn't order, which Colbert ate in the most faux-sexy way possible.

It's an interesting point. I was going to comment on the thread above talking about Adnan's big-picture ex-boyfriend motive being compelling even if the prosecution's bigoted articulation of it wasn't. My thought was that nothing seems compelling to me about someone murdering their ex in a horrifyingly intimate way

Wait, where's the fact robot? Did that gimmick not last? Can I go back to using the "Fun fact: X" construction without feeling like I'm horning in on someone's bit?


"Coaching" is probably the wrong term. Over the course of a long interrogation, police officers can let things slip through body language, or accidentally mentioning something the subject might not have known about, and those might be reflected in the suspect's subsequent story. It's not necessarily a direct, "Well,