
I believe that's the case. Still, it's possible to control the positioning of closed-captioning on the screen. It's SOP to have them appear above the action instead of below when they'd obscure a credit or chyron or subtitle. Having them on top of the burned-in subtitles is a bit sloppy.

So, I hadn't actually read the name post until after I linked to it, since I was halfway out the door to work this morning, but I thought some of the tidbits in it were especially fun.

It's be an admirably progressive example of tropey shortcut character-development if he wasn't also the only black guy on the show. Maybe next year Nolan or Amanda can die to motivate someone.

The whole thing being dusted defies logic on a couple different levels (a few thousand beams hitting all the orbital debris in a few minutes? I read XKCD's
"What If?", I know how much of a longshot that is), but the implication of the shots was that everything up there got smashed. If they weren't going to radically

True enough. The pure-CG scenes in Defiance are weird. The exteriors have a weird over-lit, '90s Terragen look. The exteriors in late-period nuBSG and Caprica were generally much more solid. Well, it was inconsistent. The helicopter shots of downtown Caprica City were usually pretty ace, but the main stock shot of the

I was thinking about the pulverization of the ark-belt and what kind of effect that would have on the setting. It didn't even occur to me to think how it'd affect the game.

I'm from Miami, so I wasn't thrilled with the fact that Florida was an irradiated wasteland full of the really dangerous mutants (though, granted, it wouldn't be much of a loss for most of the state…). Maybe this second round of terraforming has rehabilitated the state into something livable again.

I mentioned this in another review, and it occurred to me that I don't think it's ever come up here, so just so everyone knows, David J. Peterson, the linguist who created the languages for Game of Thrones and Defiance has a tumblr where he answers fan questions and posts pictures of kittens.

I wonder if, after the FX team finished future-New-York, they quietly suggested that maybe they could not destroy the city right away? Maybe get a little more milage out of the model, first?

Speaking of the family McCreary, in addition to Bear's blog, I'd also like to recommend Raya Yarbrough's (Bear's wife and frequent female vocalist) blog. It's a mix of hilarious stories from the present day and poignant childhood reminisces. She doesn't write that often, but it's really good stuff, so I don't mind

That was so far in the future we're dealing with butterfly-effect territory. It's entirely possible they would've thought of another, better way to deal with the five unknown Cylons during the Occupation arc, like "mass Cylon reveal" or "We still want to keep our options open with regards to spies, so we're only

I'm down for that. I'd also like to add that Bear McCreary is awesome as a person as well as a name that's responsible for cool music. You should read his blog, and watch his fun and occasionally very silly vlog. I consider him the little angel on my shoulder, artistically.

Fine, I wash my hands of it, on the condition that I get to watch whenever someone has to explain what the deal is with the first episode of season 4.

I think "Litmus" is also a popular choice for worst season 1 episode.

The writers decided where things were going with the two of them between season 1 and 2, so I'm not sure how soon the actor knew he was leaving and how much that influence that had on the horrible, horrible plots that followed. We might've just had a heartbroken puppy-dog Billy for the next two years.

I like that theory that the Cylons were making the best of a bad situation when their tracking-ship failed to jump with the rest, and there was no way they'd be able to have it survive without drawing suspicion.

Not to pile on, but the ship's full name was OIympic Carrier.

In the scene of "The Plan" that takes place during "33," G-Cavil explicitly says that he's shocked that (to his knowledge) four of the Final Five escaped the attacks. You can blame "God" if you like (the head-people were established to have had contact with them before, on Earth), or coincidence, or fanwank some

It's a tough call, especially in the post-DVD/Netflix age. As far as "best single episode," 33 is a definite contender, but as one episode leads to the next so smoothly, I almost want to rank the show in one or two or three or four part chunks rather than bias it toward a story that begins and ends in the same single

On another board when the game was new, some people were posting recaps of their play session. One guy managed to get himself executed as a cylon when he wasn't because he was playing as Tom Zarek and was acting in-character, so everyone thought his self-aggrandizing pseudo-revolutionary agitating was actual sabotage.