
River got her doctorate in archeology almost immediately (she started on it at the end of "Let's Kill Hitler" and had just graduated when she was kidnapped at the end of "Closing Time.") She didn't become a professor until after she got out of prison (she corrects the Doctor when he calls her "Professor Song" in

River and the Doctor's last date was actually covered in one of the DVD exclusive shorts ("First Night" and "Last Night").

I'm also thinking the garden is her TARDIS. The fountain in the middle just seems very evocative of the center console to me. That, and ever since I first read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," I've wanted to see a classy garden that was also a high-tech spaceship bridge.

It's not unprecedented for the characters to reference their apparent nationality. The Doctor had a line once where someone asked if he was english and he said something like, "More or less," and Jack had line about supporting "our" (read: America's) global cultural hegemony by enjoying a refreshing Coke.

True, but I think we're done with Trenzalore. The present-day TARDIS and the big future-TARDIS having the same broken window suggests to me that, at the time, Name, Day, and Time were planned to take place much closer together in sequence, rather than having in-story gaps between them.

So that's actually confirmed? I thought it was just rumor and speculation. IIRC, Moffat explicitly denied that there was a legal reason for the Dalek in "wedding," and that it just seemed like a fun scene. Maybe he protested too much but, still, this is the first I've seen the mandatory once-Dalek-a-year minimum

I'm still intensely curious about what he was setting up with the broken TARDIS window in "Name of the Doctor." They drew attention to it, so it must've meant something, but it never came up again, so whatever it was foreshadowing changed.

Plus, we knew from day one that she eventually taught at a university, so she had to get out at some point. Between 51st century medicine and her natural gifts, she could've spent who knows how long in university getting her PhD, then in jail, then out of jail without showing any age.

Different situation. 11 was still there. On a personal level, it felt more like the Doctor's old friends or relatives were there. The Doctor she knew hadn't been permanently replaced.

They did have a throwaway line about it in the beginning. Jenny says something about it being enormous, Vastra says they're all that big, Jenny says the fossils sure as hell aren't, Vastra says the alive ones were.

It would explain why the Doctor was flirting with the dinosaur so hard.

There's also the fact that "Name" and "Time" (especially "Time") clearly, desperately wanted to be 75 minute episodes. There's less ground that needs to be covered and/or glossed over in a premiere, though they did begin cutting trails for a lot of future exploration (where do faces come from? Who is Clara's

The 360 shot around Laura Roslin and her advisors is super annoying. That whole scene failed for me, though, so perhaps I’m nitpicking.

"The Plan" confirms that with editing. There's really no one else it could've been, but I suppose much like certain elements of Doctor Who fandom, there's a world of difference between "apparent" and "confirmed." "Moffat, tell us why the TARDIS blew up. You've only shown us that the invisible aliens who were trying to

It bothers me that the only Cylon sleepers we ever met were Boomer and no one else. The Final Five don't count.

The images aren't in archive.org, so you'll have to take the writer's word for it, but the constellations in the Tomb of Athena don't actually match with the real constellations in our night sky. Close, but not anywhere near exact. Yes, it's a total accident, but it's a total accident that's consistent with how things

BSG inherited quite a few Babylon 5 alums and fans in the VFX department. Aside from the zero-g 180-degree flips, I think a lot of the influence became more apparent with the more colorful space-shots after they went to an in-house VFX team in season 3.

There's a pretty vocal fan movement hoping she gets cast as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel in the Marvel movies. I'd watch that in theaters in fake-IMAX fake-3D.

You don't mention another example, which is more implicit. In the first draft script of the miniseries, Tyrol would've conclusively found out that the fire wasn't spreading that fast, and that he was right and Tigh could've given the crew enough time to evacuate from the damaged section of the ship before venting the