
The backstory we'd gotten before through the game and tie-in websites suggests that the Votan exodus happened about 3000 years ago, with only a couple hundred years between them realizing they were doomed and leaving. My guess had been the ship under Defiance had a one-of-a-kind FTL drive or something to allow it to

Rafe's agenda is making sure that Christie and little Whomever don't end up being Sonny-Corleoned at the E-Rep toll-both outside town. He probably doesn't really care if Alak cheats (any more than any father would), unless the woman he cheats with has some murder-connections. Plus, he seems to dislike being

So, one time I saw a delightful pair of truck nuts, as in "and bolts." Always a fan of a visual pun, I posted a picture to my Facebook, not considering what might happen. Sure enough, the next time I phoned home, my Mom asked what the deal was with the picture, and I had to explain the whole concept of truck nuts to

I took the ease of cutting off the finger as a clue about her physiology. The X-Rays last season made Indogene insides look funky, like they didn't have bones but were all wires and tendons, structurally. I almost expect that she can grow the finger back.

I don't know where it came from, but I read somewhere that the central tension of the Western genre is something like "Violent men are needed to protect civilization, but civilization has no place for violent men."

You can actually buy it on iTunes (personally, I'd wait, since it's likely as not to be on a full soundtrack after the season wraps up) which means, of course, there's a bootleg on YouTube.

So, I was looking for some maps of future-Earth, because I was curious if there were any.(There are- http://www.imaginaryatlas.c… ). I found some interesting supplemental content. There's a series of webisodes that takes place between seasons and shows Nolan tracking down the cult leader he found in Chicago, along

Like the man said, any analysis says as much about the analyzer as the analyzed. Berlin would've had to have read Nolan's file, so she knows that it's utter bullshit to act like nothing of interest happened to him between 2013 and 2033 or so when he started bumming around the continent with "sexy Chewbacca" (which is

Tommy's distinction right now is that he's the only E-Rep true-believer of the original cast. It makes sense based on his backstory, and also since he's dating one of them, but it was still a bit of a surprise last week when he popped up as a jackbooted thug.

I've got to wonder what Yewll's original plan was to get out. It would've had to have worked for both of them, it would've still involved the preacher shivving someone, and it wouldn't have been as bone-headedly stupid and obvious as Datak's version.

Doc Yewll isn't in prison for anything she did during the war, though. She's in prison because she wouldn't continue doing it for the Earth Republic. Remember the Casti weapons designer last season? While the E-Rep implied that the bounty on his head was supposed to lead to an execution, it was actually so they could

I appreciate your opinion. I look forward to seeing what results you can come up with sitting at a desk clicking a mouse: http://www.autodesk.com/pro…

I'm not sure how many of the races are playable in the game, but I think the outsized world-building has as much to do with the fact that it's a space show without the space, so they can't get any more aliens than the ones they start with. The other alternative would be to have way more aliens, like Babylon 5 did

Given how Datak's climbing the walls, I'm sure the two of them have been having essentially the same conversation every visit, with Stahma getting more and more exasperated about how his biggest concern with a ten-year sentence seems to be that his little empire won't survive without him.

During the first scene with the drug-cooker, when he asked why they couldn't go back to draining drugs out of humans, I thought they might've been setting up Alak snapping something about the chemist's predecessor proving that's a fine way to get caught, and then trying to cover things up by murdering the mayor's

I'm not sure "hallucinated Yewll was his wife" is quite the explanation for Datak's behavior at the end of the episode. Prison definitely isn't agreeing with him, but he's always been a short-sighted, id-fueled egomaniac. He's like a giant baby, with enough upper-body strength to kill people when he has his tantrums.

I only ever saw one issue of the B5 magazine, but it had one of those mini-fic articles (the one I got had Dr. Franklin's journal entry on the Minbari he found in a crashed ship before the war, and explained how the head-bones worked). Aside from some graphic design stuff, like the logos for the first three Babylon

I felt the same way about the greenscreen Library of Alexandria last night. Yeah, I've got more information in my pocket. Great. I still want to go to there.

"Fish… fuck in it."