
A few months ago, I finally got around to buying first two Simpsons soundtracks (the real ones with songs from the show, not that tie-in horseshit). The ridiculous arrangements and flourishes make the music another bit of the comedy. Another great one is the closing song from the Marry Poppins episode, with the

Now… I think you're being… a little hard on Justin. He's… an odd man… but not without… his charms.

Here's how much of a problem I have. A year or two back, I decided I'd had it up to here with soundtracks that merge multiple distinct pieces into one long track, so I went through every B5 soundtrack I had (and a few other notable offenders) and sliced the tracks up into their component pieces as best as I could

The guitar had actually been up there for years before this specific project had even been thought of. There are a few musical instruments on the ISS, for psychological and moral reasons. There's even a scientific fig-leaf, since they actually bought two identical guitars back in 2001, and kept one on Earth so they

Are we forgetting Helo? He's the one who was always gentle-souled, clean-cut, and square-jawed, and I think the only times he ever got angry involved his daughter getting kidnapped (I do love the shot where he looks like he's about to break Roslin in half, and they finally play up that Tahmoh Penikett is a gigantic

I'd assume he didn't want to seem like it was nepotism or something. IIRC, there's a line in there about "asking me about backstory details while we were making dinner" or something that only made sense if you knew they were married.

It depends on who invented the character. I don't know off-hand who wrote (IIRC) "48 Hours" and "Heroes," but my guess is that it was one or more of the staff writers for the show, who have a different contract than a freelancer who sells the show a single script.

That's not the example I would've picked of my problem with DRG3's run on DS9 (that'd the whole thing with Sisko. You know what I'm talking about), but it is emblematic. He makes a major move that's perfectly logical on principle given the arguments he's invoked, but he seems to think that gives him a pass on doing

Of the half-dozen series finales that SG-1 had, that's certainly the most easily Darmok-able.

If I had my books with me, I'd do one with dialogue from "Avatar."

It's lame to be proud of being lame.

And Gattaca aside, I'd be very dubious if someone suggested a disease that strikes well into adulthood is a "serious birth defect." It may not have even been detectable until it became symptomatic. The comments in Enterprise were also speculative. A character was trying to sell Archer on genetic enhancement, so he may

“I can't believe we're paying to see something we get on TV for free! If you ask me, everybody in this theater is a giant sucker! Especially you!”

Or it could be an effect demonstrating some sort of advanced armor. It looks like a louder version of the White Star deflecting the Shadow fighter's bolts in "War Without End." That may be intended to be related, especially since the episodes were back-to-back, or it may just be a coincidence, since FI only had so

The element about Sheridan's loss of innocence being tied to underhanded political dealings gave me an idea. JMS noted that pretty much the last time we see Smilin' John Sheridan, who just needs a fresh orange to have a grand old day, is the beginning of "Rumors, Bargains, and Lies," when he's giggling to himself over

The description from JMS is worth reading. "You have an action movie that's six minutes short. You have two arbitrary characters, an elevator, and that's it. Go" sounds like an ironic Hell for a production team in a Greek myth. And it ended up being the part of the movie everyone thinks is actually pretty good.

It could've been Corwin's doing. Or the woman with the accent from season one, still resentful about being reassigned from Dome duty.

RJS accidentally posted under his primary one week. I (and several others) saw it before it was deleted, but I didn't bother taking note of his secret identity. It just seemed like it would reduce the magic of it if I remembered who it was.

I was absolutely delighted that that trailer for the STID tie-in video game with Shatner had game-Kirk doing the two-fist-chop-to-the-shoulder move to a Gorn holding him up (right after present-day Shatner did it in the live action fight). From what I hear, it may have been the only delightful thing in the game.

Cyril already has a fatherless child. Spread the love!