
Aside from Sisko watching famous baseball games in the holosuite, there was a Voyager episode where card-carrying SCA-member Tom Paris decided to treat the crew to a 1950s-style 3D movie on the holodeck, complete with glasses. I think the EMH also used the holodeck for slideshows of his photography.


The novels have been pretty open about having homosexual aliens, and there's generally no taboo with it. There have been a few Klingons, and a couple Vulcans, among many others. As @Tinkererer:disqus talks about below, there was one who was effectively disowned by his parents because he wouldn't do his logical duty to

"How the hell do you drive down here every other damn day?"
"I get a lot of books on tape."

Cyril is totally Boyd. He has a weird hate/envy relationship with Archer/Raylan, a lousy relationship with his father, and stole Archer/Raylan's girlfriend.

Cheryl = Dewey Crowe (inexplicably rich sex-idiot)
Pam = Wynn Duffy (normal-seeming person with ice-cold psycho streak that mostly stays in the past, but occasionally comes out)
Krieger = Bobby Quarles (genetic aryan superman who tinkers with inexplicable death machines and is into something… darker.)

Liked for "Justice Fairy."

That's the exact same tone he used when the old owner of Audrey's got fresh with him about wanting to talk to Ellen May. "Not today. Today's Opposite Day." Then he broke his nose, twice.

I think the out-of-character part is that if she last saw him ten years ago, she should be expecting to deal with shouty psycho season-1 Wynn. Of course, the plotline is young. She may yet discuss his personal growth over their years apart.

Sad to say, I think they explained it all: He's reasonably polite, and doesn't hit them. On the other hand, all the Internet Nice Guys now have an example of the kind of women who will gladly sleep with them for showing basic manners.

I was sure Cyril was going to damage the plane. Wasn't there a shot of the bullets hitting the tail? I guess it wasn't anything important.

Based on what they've said about (relative) time in the show, they actually seem to be sticking to one-season-equals-one year, there being nearly a full seasons between the Wee Baby Seamus being conceived and born (more or less), and when Lana got back together with Cyril, she said it had been two years since she'd

Pam did it again at the end of last season's premiere, when Ron first shows up.

So, you're saying they did lie to you.

I believe the backgrounds are actually painted over 3D renders. And you can definitely tell that the animation has gotten looser and more, well, animated over the years. The angles are getting better, too. The vehicle sequences are where the growth is more obvious (though there was a period in season 2 or 3 where

Thankfully, before my time. The only thing seared into my brain is unbelievably posh children throwing shade on each other regarding whether a fig newton is a cookie, or fruit and cake.

That's exactly the scene I was thinking of when I added the caveat about the best part of the DS9 MU plot-line not really involving the MU. The rest of the whole Crisis on Infinite Kiras thing… eh. Maybe I'll reread it, see if it goes better without irritating years-long gaps right after a freight-train pace.

This was years after the Shatnerverse was over and done (incidentally, from all accounts, the process was that Shatner came up with the plot outlines and dictated major dialogue and action sequences into a tape recorder, and Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens wrote the rest of the book around that. It fits with how

The circumstances to everyone being everywhere are very specific. Things inexplicably staying in sync is just how the MU rolls.

The novel-verse expanded and, ultimately, wrapped up the Mirror Universe, including TNG and Voyager MU stories. Part of the Voyager premise was that Neelix and Kes were sent to the Alpha Quadrant by the Caretaker.