
That actually sounds fairly plausible. One of Roddenberry's stock characters was the emotionless person perplexed by human passions (The original Number One, Spock, Data, Questor), and in "Inside Star Trek" (the record, not the book), he talked about being a lonely, sickly child who found refuge in his imagination. To

Somewhere (IIRC, it was Inside Star Trek (the book, not the record), but it may have been one of the more recent books) it came out that the network's biggest problem with the female first officer was that the actress just happened to be schtupping Roddenberry and not the idea of having a woman co-starring, and that

Ah, but this way, it the shit lands on the cops' doorstep. It may not work out (in fact, given the theme of this season, it probably won't), but Boyd has a chance of deflecting blame in a way that satisfies the cartel.

In the post-mortems, Yost keeps vaguely alluding to some enormous blowup with Raylan involving the mob hit at the end of the season. That could be when everything goes nuts.

Can't have the Duffy…

I doubt that the ratio of "mission" episodes to "assing-around" episodes is much different than it was in previous seasons. Not enough to check, especially since I'd have to think about how to decide what counts as a "mission."

Username/comment counter-synergy.

He also reacted to someone he cared about being in mortal peril with a familiar-sounding "LOOOOGGINNNNS!" so maybe Archer is just finding more love in his weirdly child-like heart.

Plus, Cyril did secretly impregnate a hooker while cheating on Lana, and then let Archer take the fall.

Same thing happens when Pete kidnaps the Doctor for exposition. "Hey, I was kind of in the middle of a cyber-invasion, I should really be getting back to that." "No, Doctor! Now, the shoe's on the other foot! We talk, you listen!"

The Doctor as D.B. Cooper. I can see some kind of blundering comedy-of-errors heist where he's fighting some alien and improvises his way into hijacking an airplane with a million dollars and has to figure out how get out of the mess while being threatening enough to not be arrested without actually hurting anyone.

Power of suggestion. Torchwood's suggestion, probably. If they realized that a psychic link could help, I can see them feeding the meme that these apparitions are the ghosts of loved ones, and if you believe hard enough, they'll come back.

It was the fact that the police chief had a chance to decide it was harmless and call a press conference in what was, apparently, about half a minute that did it to me. I'm usually the first to point out that editing lies and things could've taken much longer or much shorter than they appeared to, but even I have my

There are a ton of more subtle ways Sisko could've found his way to the wormhole than making sure every little butterfly flapped its wings at the correct moment. I doubt it's a major concern of the Prophets whether Sisko is wearing gold or red, or if it's 2369 or 2375, or whether Sisko explains time to them using

Kira's faith is her biggest interest and passion, certainly. I see it less as wanting to bask in her presence constantly and more like a tone-deaf person dating a musician wishing he could appreciate her art.

I've always argued there's a fundamentally optimistic core in nuBSG, too. It's more that there's a fundamentally optimistic mantle in Trek (and generally, a fundamentally optimistic rocky crust and atmosphere as well).

Actually, once you mentioned it, I remembered that I had bookmarked it. The site is on archive.org, but none of the images in any of the articles are included, so you'll just have to trust me and the dead site that they were kind of wonky. There's a lot more in there than I remembered. There are a few newer,

Though this is followed immediately by an ominous montage suggesting that we should be looking askance at our Roombas and the Honda Asimo.

The "Unfinished Business" cut is weird because it's half-finished. Well, three quarters finished. They admit in the commentary that unlike the other extended episodes, this is just their assembly edit, without any real finessing for pacing or structure. I had a pause when it was referred to in the article as a

Exactly what I was about to say. Additionally, there seems to be a gap in story-time between "No Exit" and "Deadlock," so it helps for a breather.