
There used to be a blog, that since went off-line, that did scientific critiques of nuBSG. One of the entires, which I'm tempted to recreate every time this comes up so I have something to link to, pointed out that the art department was very loose in their depictions of the zodiac constellations in "Home." If you lay

While the show was on, I heard every season, and probably most episodes, cited as the moment the series jumped the shark and was worth abandoning. There were people who argued the change in style with the beginning of season 2 made the show unwatchable. I certainly noticed that where season 1 felt more like a series

They "decided" that, but it never really came up again one way or the other. Indeed, at one point they were going to have a sex-scene flashback with a cylon in "The Face of the Enemy," which was literally the last thing made on the show, where they were going to do a lighting trick to show the red light reflecting on

To this day, when someone points that out, my first reaction is. "What montage?" I'm very positive on how the show ends, but your comment makes me wonder if that's in part because, in my head, the episode ends on the mountaintop, and there's a brief post-credits scene that ends with the words, "Silly me." No montage

I always had a soft spot for Johnny, back to when he was just the least-awful Crowder in season one playing pickup baseball with Raylan or making vague threats/warnings to Ava.

I'm not sure Ava knows that. Boyd's been too busy to visit, it's hard to know for how long. It's apparently been less than a week since the Hatian was killed. The last update he may have been able to get her was the Lawyer note, which was before he solved the skinhead problem.

I agree on Boyd. I think he's always been more lucky than good, and this season has that beginning to catch up with him. He's making bad, rash decisions about how to solve his problems, and now they're more often than not making the big picture worse for him, leading to more shit solutions that have him moving forward

"So, basically, it's the show we expected we were going to be making before Walton Goggins impressed the shit out of us while we were shooting the pilot."

Gee, haphazardly "solving" the current problem while setting up much worse consequences down the line to be dealt with the same half-assed way. That sounds awfully familiar. I may have to reevaluate my disapproval of the Crowder/Crowder relationship. They seem made for each other.

Honestly, I was a little afraid Outlaw!Raylan was going to nail her anyway just to try to turn her honeypot against her (or just let her think she had him while he was just getting a lay out of it). Shooting her down like that was classic Raylan.

I love that Nelson is a morning person. I bet the Marshals use him in their training materials as Gallant to Raylan's Goofus.

Hey, nine nine-topping pizzas for nine bucks each is a hell of a deal, even if they're shitty, cardboard-like monstrosities.

Archer seems pretty good about one season = one year, so the Wee Baby Seamus is probably about four by now. Unless it's funnier if he's not.

I still want my clear dishwasher.

I'd argue that "A Good Man Goes To War" was the setting up of the idea to make way for the knocking down in "Wedding." Right at the end, the Doctor and River argue about how being Mr. Space-God isn't what he wanted, and whether that makes a difference to it being what he's become. The Doctor's greatest victory and

Don't worry, I'll totally nerd out on it. I'm not enough of a trained ear to be sure, but it seems like a very quick riff on "The Last Message [Forechamber Theme]," then the melody starts wandering in a different direction at the fish-sticks line before changing entirely for the street-sign bit. So if you want the

The Doctor saw an old newspaper from 2007 in the garbage bin the TARDIS landed next to saying "ROBOTS INVADE LONDON, THOUSANDS FEARED DEAD," but wanted to look like he was his timey-sense was tingling to impress Rose.

I was actually thinking about this episode the other day when that bit of the Myst soundtrack came up in my music player (and also probably because they just re-released the 3D remake in a version that should actually work on modern computers for the foreseeable future).

A while back one of the producers tweeted some polaroids of the erotic cakes shop, explaining that they were from the first and only location scout done for The Simpsons.

So, following up on my comment last week, I can totally see a reading that the Doctor and Rose had shacked up by "Fear Her." They're all up in each other's space in the TARDIS scenes, giving the big near-death-avoided bearhug at the drop of a hat, and the Doctor clearly didn't finish putting his clothes back on. Who