
Something similar to this happened in a recent Trek novel, where a character was in the wormhole and they had a rather lengthy experience with the Prophets, and the first part of it was a replay (or rather, the character watching as it originally took place) Sisko's first meeting with Them.

Well, they're blind slugs. That probably counts against them having a well-developed sense of independent agency.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the Denorios Belt. It was established in "Emissary" as a sort of space-Bermda Triangle and a good place to look for the legendary celestial temple. All the mentions of it later built on the previous ones. I don't think anything about it was seeded specifically to lead into a

My favorite McCoy-visiting-the-bridge moment comes in the Directors Cut of TMP, where they eliminated some lines, meaning that in the middle of the movie, he comes up to the bridge, stands around for a couple minutes, then leaves without saying anything. You have to wonder how often that happened. Bones gets bored,

It's what he did to Tommy Bucks in Miami that got him sent to Kentucky in the first place. And it apparently wasn't the first time.

I was going to rewatch the show before this season started and note down all the date and time mentions to figure out how everything went, but I ended up being busy at the end of the year and didn't get the chance.

Boyd's entire M.O. this season has been "not clearly thought out and self-destructive."

You know, in the original novels and short story, Raylan and his ex-wife had two sons, and the reason they got rid of them for the show is that if you don't put them into episodes from time to time, Raylan looks like a deadbeat asshole.

Given how Boyd's been acting recently (or rather, through the entire series), I was kind of hoping for a zinger after Johnny left along the lines of, "Remember when you used to flirt with me like that?"

The empty swimming pool is his bedroom. He was finished moving his stuff in.

They have to draw essentially the entire mansion, too. The only part we saw before is the main hall, and I'm pretty sure that's been redone.

It's the same woman who does the trailers, isn't it? It always sounded to me like someone trying to do a Jessica Walter pastiche and ending up sounding older, creakier, and eviler.

"Bottle episode" can apply to an animated series. They reuse background environments and poses. It's not an exact analogue, since there's no studio space, so their library of "sets" is always increasing. I haven't done a comparison, so I don't know how many of the backgrounds in the Italian episode were reused from

"Wow, okay. So, since we're being racist—"

Exactly. Cheryl summed it up last year in "Weird Kind of Sequel To Oil Pipeline Episode." Lana will bitch and moan about moral failure all the live long day, but when the rubber hits the road, all she she wants is to exercise power, be it by shooting people and blowing shit up or, her self-confessed dream-job, telling

There is the minor matter of the supernova he was trying to trigger. It's also possible that the main body of the Founders never encountered a cosmozoan, so he would've been a sitting duck outside of a ship without knowledge of a space-fairing creature to mimic.

This is pure speculation, but I checked MA about "The Gift" (I always misremember why they can't go to warp in that episode, but at least I remember I misremember it), and one of the interview snippets was that the original plan was for Kes to leave a few episodes into the season rather than immediately after the

I'm sure it'd be wonderful until the computer was assimilated and the ship started flying itself to meet the nearest cube, or nanites started pouring out of the replicators and turning random crew-members into drones.

The Xindi arc was very much a creature of it's time, though. The beginning was very much a September 11th/Iraq War pastiche, with George W. Archer going to find the Xindi weapons of mass destruction, but at the end, they flipped the script and had the Xindi committing a preemptive attack based on faulty intelligence

Now that's the ice-cold remorseless bottled-blonde shit-bag killer I remember from season one!