
To recap, the last four Harlan country sheriffs have been a vigilante murderer who was under the thumb of a Miami drug cartel, a rich dandy douchebag who killed a couple guys in a false-flag bombing assassination attempt against himself, a drug-running murder who hid the secret that could shut down the Detroit Mob

Mallory always refers to Ray as a woman, all the way to his introduction (in "Honeypot," as it happens) where Archer says he should be sent to go seduce Ramon, and she refuses to give the job to "Miss Gillette."

This is just like the review of Sherlock, but in reverse! It's a pattern! Moffat is Gatiss, Sonia is Todd, Paul is dead…

Before season 4, I was thinking about doing a "Who's banged who" chart for Archer. I was pretty busy the last couple months, so this season kind of snuck up on me. Maybe next round. I was thinking about dressing it up as one of Pam's HR documents, but maybe I can make it a period piece.

Nope. They turned him into the Feds, who declined to give them the reward as Archer, Pam, and Cyril neglected to get any paperwork when they dropped him off, so there was no proof they'd done it.

We need a form of punctuation or emphasis that can communicate that breathless gasp in writing.

But that isn't offensive or trite because there's only a single penis between the two of them.

Though, to be fair, the dead lookalike is strangely redundant. No one sees the corpse hit the ground (and if they did, they'd notice it landed many moments after Sherlock jumped), and then they immediately clear it away so Sherlock can play his own dead body when Watson gets close enough to check over him.

The weird part is, I didn't really mind so much as it was going on. I heard all those criticisms from other people (I remember one particularly devastating indictment against the continuation sometime in the latter half of Tennant's run concluding with Terrance Dicks's phrasing, that Nine was cowardly and Ten was

Just wait for it, this is going to be addressed. As later episodes will put it, "Rule One: The Doctor lies."

And you can draw a straight line from Saxon to "Children of Earth." Bet Harriet Jones wouldn't have cottoned to that mess on her watch.

To the degree that they didn't have an effect on the larger culture? The Obama campaign didn't sell coffee mugs making fun of chemtrails, after all. Those arguments spread well beyond the fringe.

Are you sure about that he never killed anybody? Magnussen was clearly pulling a lot of strings and was willing to destroy lives to further his agenda. It seems fairly implicit to me that that agenda probably wasn't puppies and rainbows for all of God's children. It would've been well within his character to have

On the other hand, Magnussen could've taken it as a good thing. Here he was, nearly killed, but his enemies were so inept they were tripping over each other. Or fate intervened because he's so great. Or he's so powerful that nothing can stop him, and all his schemes have worked to create a universe where he's utterly

Why would Magnusson need proof? As he himself pointed out, he has a newspaper. He's a barely-fictionalized version of Rupert Murdoch, whose news organizations never needed evidence for anything they reported. A lot of the time they just make stuff up. Where's the evidence for the death panels or the missing birth

IIRC, using the Voyager captain's yacht was the original plan for what became the Delta Flyer, but it was around the same time Insurrection came out, and they didn't want to steal the movie's thunder by having it look like their captain's yacht sequence was a me-too copy of what had happened on TV.

Due to Sci-Fi Fridays (RIP in peace) and the fact that Enterprise seemed more suited for saturday morning viewing than BSG, I taped Enterprise rather than the other way around.

Likewise, I imagine the full bar and the lighting rig were gradual additions over nearly a half-century. Start off with a couple of folding tables and a hi-fi, then somebody brings in a disco ball and some lava lamps, someone else brings in a mixing set and some bottles, and things start to add up.

Wait, is this the same guy who posted the long comments about how the show was really about The Heroic And Manly Adventures of Boyd Crowder, Paragon of Humanity last year, and got irritated whenever something didn't go Boyd's way? nuDisques's pathetically low comments-per-page prevents me from developing the interest

As Art himself said, you know you're in trouble when the drums stop.