
Yep.  Its the CSuite, who have bonuses tied share prices, and the major shareholders (multimillionaires and billionaires, hedge funds...also made up of the uber rich, and major 401k holders like Blackrock, also run and owned by the uber rich).  The rich demand not just profits, but ever increasing profits.  They are

“Try reading and researching” Try talking to a therapist. All cops arent racist, even if it is the majority (which I dont concede, though that would likely depend on the state you are in too), it isnt all of them. Your whole premise seems to be that cops need to be depicted as racists oppressors all the time or it is

I mean the creators recently made “We Own this City” to shine a light on the corruption in the police force.

None?  Fuck off.  Im really critical of cops, but no cops solve crimes?  So every single murder conviction is fraudulent?  Every single drug prosecution?  

....the wire was written by a former cop and a former crime desk reporter. Its a pretty accurate look of how policing goes on the burecratic side, how poverty traps work in the inner city, how policing works in the inner city, how corruption works, how economic policies have hollowed out the port in baltimore, how

Ive never gotten to Deadwood. I always thought Sopranos was over rated. At the time, first two three seasons it was head and shoulders above most dramas at the time, but the Wire....so fn good. A man has got to have a code. When Avon is talking to Dee, be one second slow, one second late...I mean man how you never

Does Dream On hold up though?  I havent seen it in literally decades at this point.

One of my people I see.

It is a top 10 drama for me of all time.  I dont know how I would rank my own top 10, but for HBO, The Wire, Rome, Band of Brothers....then i have to put some thought into it.  I like westworld far more than anyone else it seems.  I find Sopranos and GoT insanely overated, especially GoT (even factoring out the last

See my comments above.   Might be the single best limited series i have seen.  Cherynoble was too low (I liked Watchmen a lot, but those two should be swapped).  I just kept reading but couldnt take it seriously.

Agreed, though Harley Quinn is fantastic in its own right and should be on this list if it was an HBO and not Max.

In a on demand era, Rome would have been huge...it just came out a bit too early for that.  Like on demand became a big deal for HBO right around that time, so first season ratings were poor (and that show was ridiculously expensive at the time...and that is considering it was a joint production with the BBC) but then

If you watched the wire and thought it painted cops as good guys, or was out to paint anyone as good or bad with any type of broad strokes then you have the intellectual depth of a thimble.  It showed people and the situation as they were, the issues with race, class, where one grew up, the corruption in the system,

I dont care.  Im a white anglo christian (well by upbringing anyway) male.  Fuck white supermacists.  If fucking aliens showed up, and the other side was nazis, and the aliens were eating people...id still give them the benefit of the doubt.  Side with nazis, fuck off.  Side with the klan, get fucked.  Call for racial

Yeah, id say it should be in the top 50, and you could probably put one of its best seasons in a top 10 best seasons of hbo shows list, but that show has always been ridiculously over rated (and I like the first 5 seasons).

...no.  Not even close.  Sopranos had some great performances, but it also had dangling threads, some piss poor or non existent character development for multiple characters.  That show is largely carried on the strength of Tony, Melfi, and Carmella.  The wire has career performances from just....everybody.  

No.  Band of Brothers being 49 and not in the top 10 is insane.

Yeah....when I saw Band of Brothers was at 49 I almost just stopped reading.  Band of Brothers is a top 10 show, flat out.  I feel like limited series (1 season) should be excluded, but if you are including them, Band of Brothers top 10.  Further, Rome isnt on here at all.  I dont take this list seriously.

Asylum is still my favorite.  I think City is over rated, still a great game...but despite the ridiculous batman world...the idea that a major city would put walls up around several miles, unleash all of its insane criminals, and violent criminals, and just say we tried...and no one else would object....the State

I liked the arkham games, but think Spiderman did combat better, probably because of the nature of spiderman being mobile and airborn.  The riddler trophies in Knight were just obnoxious, as was the batmobile.  The fact that we never got serious story dlc for those games for each bat family member was disappointing.