
I dont think fatalities should be the bar.  Plenty of people get hurt in car accidents, which in the US is a huge problem seeing as how we dont have universal healthcare.  Do you know what percentage of all law suits would vanish if we had universal healthcare?  I mean there are literally lawyers who do nothing but no

The us is going to have a labor shortage for a decade.  Boomers are retiring, even if they delay it, it doesnt matter, the youngest are 58, the oldest are 77.  The majority of them have already passed retirement age.  For many, life will sort out whether they can work or not.  Gen Z is coming out of college now (the

.....the average driver is a fucking idiot.  Our driving tests are ridiculously easy.  I see people regularly not indicating.  Not following speeding laws.  Not providing adequate space on highways at speeds in excess of 70 mph.  The majority of people dont even take their cars for regular maintenance meaning plenty

I am in one of the few districts in NJ that might be considered a swing district.  Here we have a centrist dem, running against the son of a former centrist republican gov who was well liked during the 80s, and whose family are long time powers in the state (we have a state university named after them...not our best

I dont know his district, but i just generally assume this wont hurt him.  He was either in a Dem district and they put up the most insane person ever, or he is in a republican district and the same applies.  In a swing district they will put up someone like this, they just will deny everything and the GOP will

Kemp for govenor, record Dem turnout during a pandemic needed to get the state to barely swing left?  MGT gonig to get reelected by a huge margin?  Walker still running neck and neck....i mean that guy makes Trump look eloquent and lucid....I have no faith in Southern States.  Everything they said they cared about is

Ill fight you.  Pumpkin pies is the best Thanksgiving Pie.  Full stop.  If I dont get a piece of pumpkin pies after Tday dinner....its not Thanksgiving.  

BS.  I live in NJ.  Key Lime pie is here, but not common.  At all.  I have never seen it at a pot luck, party, etc, except for once, at a work event, where the new human resources head was from florida.  Its Apple.  Apple isnt my favorite, but its apple.  Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.

our country in general.  And over the past 20 years we have cut regulations and taxes on the wealthy and corps by so much that they can spend hundreds of millions on political campaigns because they are saving billions.  Then the wealthy completely bought the GOP (upping from their majority stake to total ownership)

Meta could have literally just spent 10 billion on anything else and had it be more productive.  

probably tied up on his inquiry about large shoulder pads.

Maybe im finally too old, but this just looks dumb.  Like why do i want VR....for this?

Japan was initially limited on how many planes it could fly following ww2 so they had to build out a rail system.  Europe already had rail between major cities and spoke systems.  They were bombed out already, but they were in the rebuilding process.  The US turned away from mass transit with the mass adoption of the

the polls are tightening.  The people who care about that werent voting for Oz anyway.  The GOP doesnt care about anything but power, and thanks to Fox they have conditioned their base to thinking as long as they get Rs in office nothing else matters.

White straight males.

Gerry Mandering doesnt affect a govenors race, a state wide senate race, or a presidential race, in national terms it only affects the house.  In state terms it affects the state legislature.  

Before Trump, the puppy torture and Walkers admission of paying for abortion would have had the Right turn their back on them. Now....they dont care. Fox News is defending them and just spewing lies. I bet in 2022 we get a straight up Neo Nazi running who does so openly with full GOP support. They do not give a fuck.

I mean my first paycheck was...’97.  I was just making minimum wage...which in NJ was...I want to say 5.15 when i started.  My first check might have been 200 before taxes, since it was full time during the summer.

When was this that you got a check for 400 as your first job?  I had a job at 16 making minimum wage working at a sears...my first check was like 140 after taxes.

Wakefern foods, the parent of the coop, is based in NJ.  We were a strong Shoprite and A&P State until A&P went belly up (also base in NJ...and owned Pathmark too).