Shoprites are co ops, so who owns a shoprite makes a huge difference. I dont go to the shoprite closest too me....that one sucks...whereas the one another town over is super nice.
Shoprites are co ops, so who owns a shoprite makes a huge difference. I dont go to the shoprite closest too me....that one sucks...whereas the one another town over is super nice.
Im white. I dont want him. Look Im not huge into rap or hiphop, my knowledge and involvement ended roughly around the time I was in college 20 years ago. So love me some Dre, Snoop, WuTang, Tribe, etc....but I dont listen to enough to have any type of qualified opinion on Kanye’s music (to the extent anyone can…
I gave up on GB when Brad, Vinny, and Alex left. They were my 3 favorite personalities. I like Jeff, but and Bachlar and Rickert, but I can only get through so many podcasts a day. The shift to hybrid work has just dramatically cut down on my commutes so I have been 6 or 7 months behind on podcasts since the…
be tired of the gop voters. They will vote for anyone who has an R next to their name. This guy shouldnt be holding office, let alone be a congressmen and frontrunner for a senate seat.
On economic issues, 100%. The MSM continuously lets the GOP frame the terms of every discussion and debate. For the Dems, it is not a fair fight, but it is what it is and their inability to ever frame a coherent message is mind numbing. They back down on pointing out that the two biggest reasons we have inflation:…
The N64 sold for 199.99 at launch. Adjusted for inflation that is 375. So i mean cheaper than a ps5. But Turok cost 75 bucks, that is like 140 adjusted for inflation. I got FF3 on Snes for christmas in 1994. It cost like 80 bucks according to my mom at the time. That is like 160 now. Games got cheaper on the ps…
the ending is fundamental to the story. I just finished the remake. They need to keep that the way it is.
I cant think of too any kids books that go over 6 books, with that level of page counts to compare them to.
No. Her chastity in a culture where the legitimacy of noble children is considered important to determine succession is not a trivial thing. Its trivial compared to killing rivals by our sensibilities, but not that of the feudal society they live in.
How about Dumbledore leaving Harry at his abusive Aunt and Uncles house for 11 years. Like the weaselys couldnt have taken him in? Here is the kid of two well known and powerful wizards, lets leave him with his non wizarding family who will actively abuse him emotionally while neglecting him. England has an…
a princess lying about making out with her uncle and sleeping with her sworn sword (in an age where a noble woman had to be chaste to ensure no issues with hereditary transfers of power) is not a trivial thing. At all. It is trivial to us, in this day and age, not in the world they have constructed.
Im sure this series will just bungle through things. To intent on deviating so the book readers dont spoil things or some nonsense.
yeah, they really seem to want to get to the dragon fights but the book its based on is more of a history book. Feel like they should have just made a shorter season, then done the time jump, like a few more episodes before jumping and switching actors. Seems the real theme to GoT is just that bad kings cause a…
Valhalla had all the wrong kinds of bloat and fixed none of the open world issues. For such a dragged out story, character development is garbage. Characters just get mad or change course as needed, instead of using the long build up to do something. Raiding monestaries gets repetative. Whitewashing of history…
I bought unity for 5 bucks at target on the checkout line....but that map just I couldnt. I dont have to do everything in a game...but that map had so many icons it gave me anxiety.
They made AC because they didnt want to continued PoP due to how much they have to pay in licensing. Ubi needed a yearly cash cow. Instead of going every other year with AC, and maybe far cry and splinter cell (so a three year rotation) with dlc for each...they just dumped everything. When you are publically traded…
Seems like a solution to a producer or higher up mandating that there be x hours of content in the game. I bet a lot of game devs would make their AAA games shorter and tighter if they didnt have to worry about meta critic user reviews and raging dbags bombarding community managers on line complaining. If you told…
tip to make it really sing...swap out the Tylenols for Excedrin (which is acetaminophin, aspirin and caffeine) sprinkle in a drop or two of childrens cough syrup.
Or, like so many other white collar dbags, they commit their crimes in grey areas and against people who have questionable pasts (like people who rape a if because she sells sex she deserves to be rape *NOTE I DO NOT HOLD THAT OPINION) it becomes insanely difficult to prove. Charge the fucker. They know…
Dont care. This is shit that thins the herd. Hopefully it doesnt overwhelm ERs significantly. This is like the tidepod bs, to the extent anyone was actually doing that. If your teenager or pre teen has gotten to 10 or 11 and somehow thinks putting tide pods in their mouth is a smart idea....they arent going to…