
Yep.  Its why i dont like GTA games..too close to real life.  If im playing a game, i want some escapism.  

This.  When you are a kid you want the cool characters (though as a spiderman fan I always though venom was overblown after his first two appearances).  As an adult...i want the ridiculous stuff.  The purple man was a D list character and JJ series made him awesome.  I like when some comic writer in the present looks

not sure I get the “nah” part.  I want Mojoworld.  I want the crazy almost stupid stuff from the comics in real life.  I mean Im a huge xmen fan.  Disney owns fox...but they should fire every single producer who worked on xmen.  Those people are fucking morons.  There is absolutely no reason that xmen couldnt have

Mystique should be older.  I know she is a shape changer, but the character needs the older gravitas.  But De Armas...an xmen character.  Yes.  fuck yes.  

I dont really care what they want to be called. I will call people by whatever name or pronoun they want, but in Miller’s case...i just dont give a fuck. My desire to be civil or respect someone goes out the window when they are this much of an asshat. They can be any gender he chooses, or doesnt choose (i understand

but we are still in the opening stages of the next gen.  Covid and supply chain makes this gen feel like it is still just starting.  Sony is the leader...right now.  MS was the leader from 2005-2013, and the market is changed.  With backwards compat now just a thing....Sony wants to keep people in its eco system so

i guess.  Seems like the same old same old.  Paying for exclusivity windows is nothing new.  MS has been decrying the practice since the Xbox One where they got cocky and got their clocks cleaned.  During the 360 era where they paid for map pack exclusivity for CoD, declined a discussion on cross play with sony, paid

I dont know.  Unless they announce he is no longer flash, I have zero interest in seeing it.  He should have been fired years ago.  Warners has been run by asshats for too long, merging with Disc just changed the names, the current group are asshats as well.

1. I want a live action spidey 2099. Marvel/Sony needs to make that happen before someone at DC finally realized that a live action Batman Beyond is a gold mine.

I think we get Beta Rey Bill.  Thor 5.  Have it open with him fighting Herc and them becoming friendly brawl buddies.  Have Bill show up looking for the power to help his people, fights thor and goes toe to toe without the hammer.  Have whoever the villain is drag them into it, have thor win out but in a way that he

I found one at just shy of 500k.  But yeah, anything under 450 is in an area with horrible schools (which matters for resell even if you dont want or have kids), we have been looking for over a year.  Bids on homes we lost out because people came in 4o or 50 grand over asking and waiving all inspections

Its hard for me to get excited for that. Greedy rich businessmen as villains has lost its luster to me because we have separated it from reality. We certainly have rich businessmen as villains in our world, but like half the country glorifies them. I mean to drag politics into it...Trump professes to be a billionaire,

Exactly. FF was about a family of superheroes. The Xmen were an allegory for both jews, and those oppressed by society with Xavier and Magneto as opposing views on how to deal with that oppression. Spiderman was worrying about girl problems, his elderly aunt’s health, and keeping a job/paying his bills/not failing out

If I was holding the world hostage I would be asking for $1 trillion in 30 year bonds.  Your income stream would just be ridiculous.

fiance and I are closing on a house....it is absolutely ridiculous how much a monthly payment is.  We each make good money, not crazy, but six figures each.  Trying to keep payments per month (for insurance, taxes, mortgage) at 30% of income....i do not understand how so many homes are above 700k in my area. 

If i go to BK at all, its whopper time, maybe chicken fries.  Trying the Chking, its not better than the new chicken sandwhich from McDonalds, which is a problem because i have to drive past mcdonalds to go to BK (literally on the same street), and that means getting past a wendys.  Which means i might get derailed

ps5 controller is a no go?  That blows. That controller is seriously amazing.  Haptics, when used properly just add so much immersion.  You dont notice it is there, until it isnt.  When I got my ps5 i was playing Astros...but jumped into Dayz Gone...i kept looking down at the controller wondering what was wrong before

Im holding out that they eventually push the ps5 version to ps plus premium.  I enjoyed the game, but i platinumed it and beat all the dlc.  Im not paying money to screw around in a graphically improved version of the same game.  It was a pretty swanky looking as it was on ps4.  I figure Spiderman is coming either

10 minutes is being generous, that is a busy day, like hitting up one near me during lunch hour or around 6pm.  I dont know where you are, but I am in NJ, fast food places are almost always busy.  If the line is 10minutes long outside, its not going to be faster to go inside.  Fast Food restaurants have limited

No.  He keeps himself a celebrity by making noise.  I have never enjoyed his music, i think his clothes look awful....but I am not his target market.  Kanye is another person who will never pay the price for his bs.  Worst case, he releases an album that bombs, he cant draw a concert, and all his clothes get dropped.