
By itself it isnt a win, but it is in cummulative analysis.  I paid 120 for a year of premium...i dont need to buy valhalla, at 20 or any other price.  If I want to check out death stranding directors cut...no cost, control ps5 version, no cost...and so on.  Gamespass wins if you want MS first parties day and

Yeah.  I completely agree.  Gulf money is what funded and funds al queda and other sunni extremist groups.  They treat women like second class citizens, have a form of guest work that is just slavery (google “Dubai is a parody”), and if you think inequality is awful in the US, it is fucking horrible in those countries

but then you are supporting their hateful anti-women and anti-lgtb funding.  Because their owners donate to a ton of dark money groups.

Where are you paying 5.50 a gallon, its like 4.30 in NJ.  Also, how long are the drive through lines you sit in.  Mine are never longer than 10 minutes and that is a busy drive through.

As a lawyer...I never have had more then a peripheral exposure to employment law. But it generally pays well, there is currently a fuck ton of demand (and my firm is a big national defense firm, we have a nation employment group, who all get paid on a better scale than my group and who all just got bigger raises

Yeah, i was disgusted with Activision a while ago but had preordered D2R.  I had friends get it on switch...(i got it on pc) and I would have bought it again for switch and possibly ps5 (before i realized how broken it was at launch) to play with friends...but just no.  I love Diablo.  D2 and D3 have eaten up chunks

I wont delete it, but i will not give them a dime until they change practices.  I dont play anything regularly on it at all.  Fuck Activision.  Fuck Kottick.  And honestly, fuck MS, because there is no way Activision is behaving like this right now without MS’s compliance.  MS may not have bought them yet, but they

yes.  yes it is.  Name another company that sells 14 million or more of a game in an annualized franchise every year.  No one else does.  EA come close with Fifa and Madden.

Three CoD games from now.  

MS doesnt need the online architecture.  That is one thing they have down.

Yeah, their lawyers are likely scrutinizing work emails and other such things to find anything that screams of illegality or tampering with reporting to the SEC the Kottick was or should have been aware of to find a way to void his golden para.  Even without a golden para, Kottick has a fuck ton of Acitivision stock,

BS. MS is trying to make GamePass so content full that it is must have. They buy activision/blizzard, and down the line, they can actually force other companies to take lower rates on releasing on Game Pass because of dominance. If anyone thinks MS wont use market size to crowd out competitors.....anyone here use a

They published FUSE too, that was multiplatform.  But yeah they were essentially a sony second party at that point.

yeah, i thought i read that.

I dont know about that.  If Guy A is a gamer, and plays CoD with his bros, sisters, family, friends from college, who only play cod and maybe a sports game...then they will get the console he gets since he likely dictates what they play on since they will otherwise not care.  He could very well decide to get a PS

That isnt the same. CoD is exclusively a game franchise. Spiderman is a licensed property. Sony secured a license to make a Spiderman game. It made the game itself. For every good spiderman game there have been scores of bad ones. I see all the xbox fanboys acting as if Sony buying map pack exclusivity for 6 months

It is a perenial sales juggernaut.  There are tens of millions of people who play it every month.  It is in the top 3 in games sales every year, and is frequently number 1.  

Yeah. She cant just live in a 1 bedroom apartment. Hollywood is all about image. She is on the rise, but stars rise and fall all the time. Until she is set, she has no idea how long she will get roles regularly. While there is certainly an element of life style creep....in a lot of fields you have to do certain

True.  But those same people frequently dont know that spiderman and batman are in two different comic book universes.

Yeah, actually he is probably more popular than everyone but batman and maybe harley quinn.  I read an article a year or so back that pointed out that deadpool for Marvel and Harley for DC had each quietly become a top 4 or 5 character for them.  DC might ahve the big three, but go look at their sales numbers, like