
ok.  by 2025 a ps5 will be easier to get, and cost less...but geez, its a game, calm the fuck down son.

Hey, you cant squeeze every last dollar out of an IP if you arent milking every property right now with zero concern for how it affects sentiment about a franchise down the line.  Disney has fucking zero clue how to properly use video games to push its IP forward.  Zero.  They have lucked out with insomniac on

Im on the old edge of millenials, born tail end of 80, but most kids i graduated hs with were born in 81.  Its only anecdotal, but of my close friends, only one is a car guy, and he leans in to german cars.  .  I know another car guy but he is closer to 50.  There arent enough gen xers to make a big impact on the car

yeah.  Typically expensive cars have high margins, but then you have to look at sales velocity. 

we have aldi and lidl near me now, just a bit too far for me to go regularly.  

There is no real difference between jiff and skippy.  Frito lay has multiple products that are basically the same thing.  They have more than one brand of corn chip.  Because anyone who thinks you need a choice between yellow corn and white core, as if you will notice the difference while shoveling generic salsa and

Going to be an issue sourcing the rubber for the tires in 20 years.

yeah im just using it as a euphemism. I mean you would know better than I but dont the projections call for a longer and more intense hurricane season....seems like that bodes poorly for the gulf coast...where a fuck ton of us oil refining capacity exists. If Climate change is going to wipe out NY, Miami, portions of

Except I assume the world is going to burn into the ground.  No way we make it 20 more years without a massive sea level rise when some glaciar the size of rhode island breaks off in Antarctica.  Conservatives in the US might be climate change deniers...but that doesnt change the fact that it is happening.  

MIT said we are headed for a societal collapse by 2041.  Im not particularly worried about how expensive a corvette will be in 20 years.  I dont think 60 year old millenials are going to be shopping for old sports cars the way boomers have.

People go to big stores and use amazon for the same reason. It saves time. People now work longer hours than 40 years ago, and have longer commute times. I use amazon all the time because it means i dont have to stop at cvs or the local pharmacy to get nasal strips when im running out. Stores now use point of sale

That is top quality boot licking.  The stagnation in wages and shrinking of the middle class directly correlates with the decline in union membership.  Corporate wealth has skyrocketted since the late 70s while everything else has stagnated.  Unions secured the 5 day 40 hour work week. Unions did that.  We literally

Boomers are getting ready to retire and are determined to squeeze the last cent out of everything.  Betting the owners watch Fox News and think working people are lazy and want money for nothing.  A whole lot of problems in this country could be sorted if the 1% agreed to just a small decrease in the rate their wealth

im curious to which brands employees make more money.  You might sell 120 benzes a year (I have no idea of how many cars a decent saleperson at a moderately busy dealership sells...at all, no concept), but look at sales numbers, seems like selling F150s in Texas would be more lucrative.  How many more Honda CRVs get

Our whole food system is just wasteful.  How many brands of creamy peanut butter do we need?  How many varietys of jarred pasta sauce do we need?  The generic, and the premium each have like a dozen options at least.  Multiple brands of shelf stable parmesian cheese that is almost certainly not actually from italy. 

The US is hanging on by a thread, but i expect the GOP to snip that after November.

Get ready to watch that poverty number implode.  The last 40 years has seen the largest economic expansion in history due to globalization. As the Coldwar faded away and ended, the US and its allies promoted globalization right as the boomers hit their peak earning years.  Except Europe, Canada, and north asia didnt

I think there is a ceiling to gamepass.  I dont know what the average console playing demo is, but how many of us have massive netflix/hulu/amazon etc backlogs we almost never make a dent in as there is just so much content?  How many of us have so many games that we mean to get back to and dont.  I literally look at

I take issue with the Order.  The game is great.  Its short, but not as ridiculously short as people make it out to be, its a good 6 hours min unless you rush.  If they had given it a co op hoard mode and some additional collectables it would have been better received.  Dayz Gone is great, but year, needed a bit more

I dont know what the metrics are for gamespass.  But with as many studios as MS has.  I just dont see that model as sustainable.  Plenty of full price games lose money, MS has to pay companies something to be on the service, so they spend money that way...plus they have to fund AAA dev costs, which are nuts.  MS has