This whole article had to be paid for. It reads like a marketing article.
This whole article had to be paid for. It reads like a marketing article.
Utz Dark Russets are my jam. Im trying to eat less junk, so follow serving size suggestions and such. I only buy Dark Russets on a holiday weekend to treat myself because i will just house the hole bag.
We were fucked the minute Obama chose not to go after the banks. Screw the law. If Obama went right after the banks post election, and used the bully pulpit he would have had the popular support needed to break them up. He should have come in, broken up the banks, bailed out homeowners on primary homes. And forced…
Agreed. 100 percent. I dont think Thomas would retire or resign even if it was GOP controlled. People like him get off on being in power ( i mean read up on the whole Anita Hill thing...what a shit heel).
They should have been working on an animate movie for Mario 15 years ago. No reason their couldnt be at least one Nintendo Movie a year. Mario, do Wario in a Mario movie then give him his own. Do a luigis mansion. Do Fzero. That nintendo isnt earning a half billion in movie revenue a year is just nintendo leaving…
I dont read anything into that. Nintendo plays things incredibly close to the best. We didnt know dread was coming out till June of last year, then it came out 3 months later. After the last Mario movie, nintendo got incredibly protective over its IP, other than cartoons for kids in the 90s. Pokemon is not under…
better hope it happens while Dems control the Senate. Any justice dies or retires after Nov...and if McConnell is majority leader...that seat will sit vacant until Jan 2025. Thomas is the kind of guy who could have a stroke, be incapable of functioning at his normal base level of sub par and would not retire. Once…
To impeach a conservative would need 67 senators willing to vote them out. I doubt you would get half of the dems to do so. The establishment dems are still acting like any day now the GOP is going to turn on if trump was the source of the GOP behavior and not just a major symptom of it. …
In my field, no one gets severance. If there is downsizing...we are sol.
also, China is going to keep slowing. China’s productivity per capita peaked in 2005. Their labor pool as a percentage of the pop is shrinking. They are now the oldest country in the world and their population, which was estimated to peak in 2030, then restimated to 2025 (this was pre covid), is now, based on the…
its not regulations at all. Its not even newer sources of energy. Shale and fracking are just eating coals lunch. this point we should get out the guilletines and round up all the billionaires. Seize all their assets. Some not completely shit heel ones will get screwed...i can live with it. I wish more news articles would identify the literal board of directors and 5 largest shareholders (and if it is Vanguard or some…
he paid 11 billion because he took stock options. He lives off of personal loans taken out against this stock, and then gets to deduct the interest and pays no income tax. Damn right he should have paid 11 billion. I dont care that he has paid more taxes than a percentage of income and wealth he sure as shit…
the US has just divulged into a full on Asshole contest. The GOP only wants the loudest most obnoxious hypocritical candidates (like their party is now comprised of the bad guys form John Hughes movies...if those movies were just overtly and aggressively racist (as opposed to overtly and passively) and rated NC17)…
ok, that is not the normal situation. Most people do not have 3 figure mortgage payments.
My gf just got rid of her 2006 Mazda 3 which needed like 7k in repairs. I bought my 2016 Mazda 6 in early 2007. Used. It was the dealer car, and only had 3400 miles on it. 19k, taxes and closing costs all in there. Anything above 500 a month to me is just...dumb. Each to their own, i wont tell other people what…
Where the fuck do you live that 30k down constitutes at least 20%. That would be a 150k house or lower. If a house was 150k near me my fiance and I could outright buy it. Any home between 450 and 500k needs a 100k or work near me or is in a town with absolutely awful schools. 20% on 500k is 100k down. Wish I…
well its not like we have cut taxes on the wealthy over the last 40 years, and it somehow coincides with median inflation adjusted incomes having been stagnant since ‘78. None of that could be a factor in any of this.
i can google it right now. Im not getting a job doing like to be able to eat more than expired ramen noodles for the dollar store and i assume that would be what they would pay for it.
“Wonder Woman ‘84 is a pretty large garbage heap” could have just ended it there.