
that last part....the timer is ticking.  I dont think GTA6 is out before 2024-25 at best.  Climate change is occuring at an exponential rate...so we are going to go from bad, to worse, to holy fuck, to fucked really quickly when it goes.  Some glacier the size of a small country is going to break off in antarctica and

Yeah, going to be interesting to see what gta6 looks like. All their head writers who wrote RDR2 and GTA 3 to 5....the all left. Plus, their devs have worked on just two games since 2013, RDR2 and GTA 5.

ill say it.  I was someone who said i cared more about fidelity than frame rate.  That was old Crom, his views on frame rates are suspect at best.  New Crom...he plays everything on performance mode.  At 30 fps I feel like im looking at the screen with vasoline smeered on it.  Im sure part of it is the decaying vision

.....seems like Rockstar should invest the money to put RDR into the RDR2 engine.  Like that cant be crazy expensive...im sure it costs far more than i would think, but still, no way is that not profitable for them.  It also keeps Red Dead fans partially satiated, since no way do we get a RDR3 till closer to 2030...if

yeah, i know playing cards to other card/board games.

but his wealth is tied to the value of the stock.  Sooner or later that house of cards is going to fall apart.  All financial frauds, which tesla certainly is, do.  

eh, median, and standard dev should be enough.

There is another wave going around in the NY-NJ area.  Have heard of multiple people coming down with it.  No one i know, but people i work with in other companies.

As a lawyer, i can tell you the typical law school grad does not make over 100k in the NYC market, which is the highest paying top market. Big law firms pay that, but that isnt where the majority of lawyers work. Grads from med school are in residency, they make absolutely crap money for 4 to 5 years, more if they

Its tied to a few things, but part of it is Chicago School of economics and the idea that the only purpose of a company is to return share holder profits. Then toss in the fact that corporate stock ownership has actually become more concentrated in that time. You have a bunch of uber rich people demanding a rate of

No, bc twitch plays pokemon is at least mildly amusing.

1000 a month.  On a five year loan.  That is just dumb.  If you make enough money that 1k a month is no big deal...then put it aside to just not have to pay the interest.  

A mortgage shouldnt be higher than three figures?  So....no mortgages in the northeast, pnw, cali, austin...just anywhere that is a hot market?

If only you could pay someone to check this shit.  Like a fucking intern could do this.

ok, but no one would know who they are at those kids age. Kids back then didnt pay attention to who made games. Partially due to Atari not crediting devs for a long time, but people playing donkey kong likely werent paying attention to who made it. I know plenty of people who were gamers through the the last 30 plus

I was out of the country in the UK from mid 86-88 (also I was 5 in mid 86). I got a C64 and a 2600 hundred from a friend of my parents...and went to arcades with as much pocket money as I could (also at 6 my parents let me out on my own...but I lived in a really safe town and local business owners would call my dad

Kids didnt know what 8bit was back then.  And they wouldnt not have known that the next step would be 16 bits.  No one knew an atari was 4bits.  This is just nonsense.

This.  NES wouldnt even have been a rumor.  This is 86, post game crash of 83.  If they were playing video games outside of an arcade it would likely have been on an old 2600 or intellivision.  Nintendo didnt even come close to gaining momentum till like 87-88, and that was on the coasts.  This fact bothers the fuck

eh. government forms should be in the established language. But in canada they have two. Let quebec shoot itself in the foot. As the game industry starts leaving, so will their own home grown french speaking devs.

the chicago school and milton friedman put forward the concept that corporations exist only to return shareholder value. A bunch of wealthy people in the US and UK took that concept and ran with it (it literally was not a thing before the 70s, corps were there to limit liability and pool resources, and of course make