
Its about nailing the core of the character.  And Ms. Marvel does.  Its not like my issue with MJ in the current Spiderman movies.  The character is fine in the movies, Zendaya does a great job and has charisma...but that is not the MJ in the comics.  Not at its core.  Skin color, hair color, that doesnt matter, its

Way to nitpick. The MCU is adaptation not translation. Thanks to Permulter being a sullen school boy, Marvel TV tainted the Inhumans before the MCU was able to do anything about it. Now that the MCU controls marvel tv and movies...they need to adapt. You cant make Kamala an inhuman now, and if she had been created in

making games is hard.  Making AAA games is insanely hard.  Making AAA games that look pretty, and play well, and have story people give a fuck about (unless you have compelling multi) is exceptionally hard.  Then it has to sell.  How many AAA games hit all those boxes...and still just dont hit, or people dont glom to

well, when you stifle free expression, its going to hinder creativity.  They graphic artists and sound design can all be top notch, but the creative process is going to be a problem.  Plus, if you were a top notch chinese dev...id be looking to use that pedigree to leave to a western country.  China is in pop decline

I only blame her to the extent that she is letting Biden’s admin railroad her...or else getting horrible advice.  Go off the reservation, be the prosecutor Harris from the Kavanaugh hearings, instead of trying to remain inoffensive enough to think you will get the nomination for P one day.  She wont.  Not like this. 

They sideline AOC and other progressives, but at least those people are fucking fighting.  

No.  Pass executive orders.  Make the GOP fight it in court.  It is literally exactly what the GOP would do.  The Dems cant do much, so they might as well show their base they are fighting...not holding hands and singing we will overcome or whatever other bs.  So fucking afraid to be on the offensive.  Still chasing

And this is why Dems are going to keep getting whacked.  They won in 2018 because of outrage against Trump...now people want to see them fucking fight.  Harris needs to either be prosecutor Harris and go on the attack (which is exactly what Biden should be positioning her as) or else accept this is it, she wont ever

It would take massive shifts on policy and a rethinking of zoning and housing building regulations.  I have zero faith that the US can do that.  The US is incapable of fixing problems anymore because the whole GOP wont consider anything that eats into corporate profits, unless it means they can win an election, but

I went blue berry picking....id just as soon buy them at the farmers market.  Strawberry picking...that was different.  The berries were riper without being over ripe.  That I would do.  Rasberry picking (particularly black rasberry picking) was a pain in the ass.  It took forever to fill up a single container. 

Heard may not be great, but when weighing them against each other....Depp is in his 50s, with a woman 20 years younger than him and he acted like a child. Heard acted immature, but of the two, one was fn 50 somethign the other was 29 to 30. There is certainly female physical abuse of men, and ill never say you

Kottick is a massive shareholder himself, no shit he gets to stay on the board.  He has engineered a lucrative sale before any settlements or law suits, and has returned a ton of value to shareholders.  Anyone who thinks Kottick will pay anything serious about this matter is just....insanely naive.  Maybe he will get

You referred to “Us” as uneven?  Fuck off.

“This seems more like a victory for semantics.”  Seriously, thank you.  Its refreshing to be reminded that while the interwebs is full of idiots who dont understand complexities of most systems (political, judicial, legislative, manufacturing, etc etc), its not completely devoid of those who do.

Yeah, if anything they risked a wasteful primary fight just so they could end up with the republican AG they will end up with anyway. The guy killed someone, SD is so red nowadays, its all interparty jockeying.

Wow, I am really interested in this game. I would like to join the worldwide phenomenon is there some sort of bonus for new players you could explain to me?

also, mobile gaming is ridiculously huge.  He could be just playing candy crush or some other mobile game.  I doubt this guy sits down with a controller or at his pc.

I love that Cruz was a darling of the Tea Party, who claimed to be anti establishment.  Guy went to Princeton and Harvard Law, his wife was, or is, a VP for Goldman Sachs.  The real movers and shakers in the GOP are all elites.  the Goemerts and MGTs, those people will never actually run anything in anything more than

Its likely Kottick.  Because if it turns out there is solid evidence he knew, enabled, did nothing about the harrasment, or hell was part of it, then he can be fired for cause, which means no golden parachute.

Kottick controls the board.