David Brecken Gates Jr.

it's kind of for the best to be honest. Ryan Murphy does big melodramas that are kind of trashy, that are actually blatantly trashy and melodramatic. He only picked the topic because he wants to seem woke and race-themed works are hot now so he thought he was doing something cool and contemporary but it would be an

Pearl Jam? Way to stay woke, RRHOF. Those are white guys.

All the jokes made about Trump on SNL or the Colbert show (et al.) have been really corny and obvious though. Maybe they're right; comedians still don't know how to make fun of him, he's too extreme.

Villeneuve: Guys, I got a great idea for a new movie; i'm talking a gender swapped "Ghost Dad" with Octavia Spencer.

Why does this guy keep taking on movie properties that bombed thirty five years ago?

"Ava DuVernay’s note for J.J. Abrams on The Force Awakens added an vital emotional beat. Steven Spielberg, meanwhile, just wanted to blow shit up." AKA my bourgeois parents are the reason why I get to write for an online entertainment magazine

Except for the Almodovar and Mel Gibson movies all of these movies will suck

Paramount seems as confused on how to promote this movie as Universal did about Dazed and Confused

Where's "It Follows?"

I couldn't disagree more with the Gone Girl and The Master criticisms but the takes on Cabin In the Woods and Wolf of Wall Street are dead on

Toy Story 3 is pretty shallow and cynical. And not very funny either.

2009/2011…sounds about right

Isn't the real issue here how inexplicably shitty these jokes are? What is he, twelve?