Thadd Scott Hall

I answered phones for a DNA testing company that would break down ancestral DNA. (It’s an imperfect science but lots of people pay for that shit). Anyway. A LOT of white people thought they were part Native American and they almost never were. Unless your ancestors come from Central/South American or you part Puerto

I agree with this. I love Warren and all but seriously white people, stop claiming you are Native Americans because grandma told you a story. That’s a no.

The blue dog Democrats are so egotistical and blind they would rather leave us with President Trump than do what’s right for the country.

Because it’s the truth, and yes she is. This is a woman who has said, on television, that she wants war in Syria, and has been able to offer only the limited clarification that she “doesn’t think it will come to” military engagement against Russia. This is the woman who was caught committing acts of espionage in the

But Hillary is awful, and he has barely said an unkind word about her. He should say a lot more, frankly.

He’s as much a dick about Hillary, as Hillary had been a dick about Barack Obama eight years ago. Selective memory much?

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.

I’m a thin white girl with full lips and a big bottom and this whole cultural moment - including ragging on the kardashians, who *bought* their Black features and are called trashy for it- is making me feel like I’m ripping off black culture just by existing. I honesty feel awkward as hell as a white woman (not the

Unpopular opinion but I think it’s valid complaint. A lot of these “girl power” artists use it only to further themselves and their own careers but remain silent during the trials of others.

Yeah, I guess I wasn’t really keyed to it until after the superbowl. And then suddenly the crazies came out about how dare she sing a song and wear clothes that were a tribute to black people. And then everyone turned it into her being anti-police. It really just goes to show how prejudiced our society still is that

Really makes me miss Mark. He would have taken this to its logical conclusion of getting and eating his own casting.

Any experience with discrimination you may have is NOT WITH RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. How hard is that to understand? Homophobia is not racism. You have not experienced racism. You clearly don’t know much about Black people, and have attempted to flex your white privilege by talking over actual Black people with your “I

By your logic I could say you know nothing of whiteness. I won’t, and you know why?

That’s awesome! My son is 6 and is a huge Bowie fan. He listens to his music every day and is constantly singing his tunes. He would love your student and not feel so alone. The morning we found out David died he was heartbroken (our whole house was a mess, still are) and told all of his classmates that David Bowie

I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no

Mercy. My partner’s shrink told him that they treated someone with the worst case of DID ever—to the point where the other identities had developed legit superpowers to deal with the violent trauma she was subjected to. There were upwards of two dozen personalities in the one person, one who didn’t have to breathe

Oh my god, the rest of the world has discovered otherkin.

(sorry for changing my comment I just want to be my best self ok)

Candy Spelling

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.