
Where I live in Texas, trucks like these just get lift kits and Tonka Truck tires. Not to mention exhaust pipes that would hide a small mexican family. Usually, these trucks are driven by 'roided up E1's.

In picture number 5, the center building looks like a giant butt plug.

Yup. 15 years...I remember walking into English class while a Senior in High School and seeing two classmates wearing black and acting all forlorn. Asking them what happened and being told, I started laughing...not that I was laughing at the deaths of two human beings, but that two 17 year old white boys at a

That facebook post read like a day in the life of my wife and I. We have a 2 year old that is oddly not terrible - he does have temper tantrums that end as quickly as they start and then he's happy again. From birth to about 18 months his crib was in our bedroom. If either one of us needed to take a shower while he

I fail to see how looking for biological life similar (not identical) to our own is conceited. We operate from a perspective of known (to us) parameters for liquid water to be maintained, life to flourish and temperatures that allow the above. Until confirmed extraterrestrial life outside of our expected parameters

Call me a crazy optimist, but creating a permanent moon base which, as pointed out in other articles, would need to be an international adventure, could create the knowledge necessary to reduce chronic hunger, create clean water from what is essentially thin air, and learn how to manage limited resources.

@lilnorge - Depending on the state, they do. Here in Texas, children who are part of DFPS system are enrolled in Medicaid. Once adopted, they still maintain that same insurance, unless the adoptive parents desire to enroll the adopted individual into their own health insurance program.

As a guy, I have to agree that most things that women deal with aren't very well described. To some extent, I have come to the realization that women suffer in (partial) silence every month. Ancillary to this, childbirth is an event that even the best birthing classes describe to the fullest.

As a guy, I have to agree that most things that women deal with aren't very well described. To some extent, I have come to the realization that women suffer in (partial) silence every month. Ancillary to this, childbirth is an event that even the best birthing classes describe to the fullest.

contacts have notches built into them that allow for up/down/left/right positioning. Without this, individuals with astigmatism (like me) would not be able to use or wear contacts.


I have to disagree. While it may be that boys are socialized to be more extroverted, girls are just as likely to bully, use drugs, be violent, and go to jail. I work in an emergency shelter for children 3-17 (usually placed there by CPS when no alternative housing is available or they are 'Safe Place' drop-ins) and

What the eff? I'm using FireFox...

Does it work to replace foreskin?

Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) is one of the individuals who started the Eugenics movement that focused on sterilizing the poor and infirmed. Awesome, isn't it? #sarcasm

Durrr...I could have told you that. Initially, I got my hopes up then called Apple since i didn't see anything about what was being given in replacement. When the support rep told me that it was the same model, I almost asked him if he was fucking serious. Then I came to my senses and realized that Apple was

Here's a commercial I remember where Chrysler covered this very same topic:

That would have been awesome. My wife and I talked about that before the birth of our son. We thought about naming him Jonathan Thayer. Her father's name and the name of the street we lived on when we conceived him. I suggested otherwise as he's not completely white and does not live in Wellesley, MA. So, we

While I am happy my 1st Gen iPod Nano is being replaced, I am less enthused over the fact it's being replaced with yet another 1st Gen iPod Nano...why would they even have backstock from that long ago?

How's that 'oldie' song go? "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life...Get an ugly girl to marry you." Or something like that. I have an '06 Corolla and it's been in two car accidents and had an altercation with a parking lot iceberg moonlighting as a snowbank. The car would never win any styling awards,