
Plus, Rob Thomas has never actually said what the final arc was supposed to be. All we know is that Wallace and Mac were the focus of the mystery.

Was that Armisen? I thought it was Jemaine Clement as faux Friedlander.

The Henson Creature Shop made all of the episode's puppets, didn't they?

Keith: "Revolution," "Hey, Jude" — these were real songs, man. "Norwegian Wood."

Actually, it was worse than that…

Yup, Phil in his ep. 17 review:

Did you have a replacement one week? I remember it being the reviewer but not you.

I apologize to whoever it was (Carrie?) who I thought was being racially paranoid or something about Solomon and Malcolm. Because after tonight it's pretty clear that Mike Colter is rather unceremoniously gone from the show for good (if it comes back) and Solomon is his replacement character as Bridget's Black Friend

And how the hell did anyone think this show would fit in on CBS (as was originally planned) in the first place?

Time to update the Dead/Evil Lesbian FAQ, amirite?

To me, this episode felt like the show was going all in with being a ridiculous as possible so as to be insanely fun as opposed to actually trying to be mysterious. SIOBHAN GOING INTO LABOR IN A CLOSET WHILE WATCHING A RUSSIAN HOOKER SCREW A JOHN AND OD ON BLOW FOR THE WIN.

It was the only episode of any Whedon show not on Netflix, though, so I would guess rights issue.

Right, as discussed in the Salon article, a pregnancy test and ultrasound are required to get the abortion pill.  Bonnie's roommate, not being pregnant, wouldn't have been able to get it. It's not plausible without a change to the story like her working at the clinic/a hospital pharmacy/etc.

Exactly, Clementine has a pretty specific conversation with Joel about this.


Carrie, those marks on notepads come from pens pretty easily in my experience.  The pencil is just to figure out what was written.

It was advertised as the "Spring finale."

Please explain.

"Poor Madison."

Huh, I totally forgot about that.  I wonder what happened.  I would be nice to have them all easily available in HD…