David Betterman

Obviously whomever posted these signs is a rapist.

racist stuff last year.”

Or meet their Twitter/Instagram groupies anywhere they like.

Your employer would fire you for having an affair?

If RG3 were a horse, they would have put him down long ago.

“For some reason, Robert Griffin III stayed in Washington’s meaningless preseason game against the Detroit Lions for four series.”

“It’s a common accusation made against me personally when I write about police brutality and white supremacy in America.”

Greg Howard is the Head Race-Baiter-In-Chief in these parts. Just nod your head and agree with him.

Also cut from the script: a scene where DJ Yella doesn't make the football team and a scene where Eazy-E yells at a man in a burger joint.

Dee Barnes wasn't blackballed. She just never had any talent in the first place.

“but there also aren’t to many team who would throw $2 million at a possibly broken down player”

He's right.

The Today Show/NBC is not obligated to let anyone speak in an unscripted spot like that. She was booked to sing some shitty song. Sing your shit song and get off the stage.

“We will not be sil-.......oh, yeah, I suppose a commercial break would do it.”

I think Gawker would be more like: white police officer exercises his privilege; unfairly arrests Obama’s son.

Poor white kids need not apply.

Then we are all in agreement: Lamar Odom is a fucking moron.

If black people want to be “saved”, they should start going to school and stop having so many kids out of wedlock(also stop killing each other at astronomical levels). But I’m sure all of these failures are because of whitey.

By the way, Grrrrrrregggg:

I believe that is how it works, yes.