Me! Can I still join?
Me! Can I still join?
Me! Can I still join?
Me! Can I still join?
So, my wedding and a few other life events/interests kept me from getting a PS4 (I do have a PS3). I’m looking into getting a PS4 mostly because of Battlefront. However, Destiny (now) looks interesting.
How can I know what airlines have deals? Is there any guide for that? I need a ticket from Texas to Idaho.
I still want Clay Fighter in Smash Bros.
At this point, I can expect anything... Clay Fighter? does anyone remember a Clay Fighter game? That would be fun to see in a Smash Bros.
Greetings... graphics aside, is this a better game than Diablo II?
Open world Ice Climber's
Civilization V - Complete Edition is $25... good deal or will get better?
I have a "waaaaaaaaay outside of the box" idea, but I don't even know where to start promoting it. I'm not a programmer, I just design gameplay and know a little more than nothing about the industry.
I still believe MK should have DLC from Game of Thrones.
Not expect FFXV, expect a surprise instead: surprise! it was FFXV!
They should have a Twitter account.
Isn't that what GTA is all about? Just kidding.
they did it first!
I don't know where to publish this so I'll just do it here...
kinda late but: I can't decide between this and Magic 2013, I love Magic but I also love Pinball and Star Wars. Should I just get this and wait for the next Magic? or it's not really worth it to play the Star Wars Pinball? help!
When does 3.0 come out on bluray?
If I download the version that is at the PSN Store, which version do I get?
27 verses is something I can hear forever as losng as it's with the original cast of dwarves
Shadows of the Empire :)