any answer is wrong?
any answer is wrong?
It’s hard to understand why this information would change their POV. They were Trump supporters, and in thier minds, who gives a fuck if the Russians did too?
Becky with the not so good hair
there is something so much worse about the people that protect people like Trump. If you are criminally insane and unabashedly malevolent, you’re still being, idk, “you”, and even your absurd attempts to misrepresent yourself, lie, steal, and defraud your fellow man/woman are expressions of your true self. You can…
literally sat here for 30 seconds waiting for the boobs to load
that sucks. based on all the replies here, and the variety of experiences described therein, there’s plenty of room for improvement on all platforms.
I hurts to remember that Christopher Walken was involved in this. He’s such a remarkable actor/figure, and I don’t want to have to lose another of my icons to infamy.
I had trouble authenticating too for phonecalls, but if I remember correctly, I just needed to sign in to the google home app (again?)
this, 100%. I’m planning a vacation for June (2 weeks) and planning in January makes a) the winter seem more bearable because I’m spending part of my days daydreaming about the beach and b) less expensive, because booking things in advance makes them cheaper.
interesting, before I had started using it, I would have assumed your POV completely - for instance, I find google is too ambitious with features for it’s phones/phone OS, and hence, I’m an IOS user.
It’s hard to describe how much better the google assistant is than Alexa or Siri. It responds naturally, knows everything, and controls home devices almost flawlessly.
In Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the bastion of everything representing everything bad about bad things, inventory is way up, and rents are on the decline.
Millenialls truly believe that both parties are out to dupe them; and they think that participating/making choices validates a shitty system.
this is not so much an article as it is the kind of anecdote I’d expect to hear from a stoned project manager
fuck these fucking people all the way to tobago.
She sounds pretty awesome
I feel like you’re equating ‘class’ with ‘stfu woman’. being ‘classy’ isn’t about being quiet to make everyone else a little more comfortable.
so you’re saying she shouldn’t fire her agent?
its the third one, a thousand times