
He was what you wanted in a buddy who was famous, and everything that is annoying about a buddy who is famous. You don't go to a starbucks or a car rental joint without someone loosing their shit. He has a great sense of humor but is too guarded to come across as honest. He can't forget that he's famous but will

I dunno. You can eat shit before so long before you need to poop it out, and I'd rather shit on the people that fed it to me than hand it to a therapist.

I'm pretty sure I can use that at the end of every sentence tomorrow.

ok, ok, you win.

I just want someone to punch him in the dick during one of these vines. That's all I want, that's all I need, that's all the America and the world needs. Someone's fist/foot/hoof, slammed against this mans old, stinky balls.

I really don't know how anyone is dumb enough to get suckered into a scam that is this transparently inane and phony.

can we accept that if this religion was just something from a race on Star Trek, that hipsters would be practicing this shit 24/7?

I can't directly empathize, so i won't try here, but in witness/protest/discussion of injustice, there are good people, and there are shit people. There are shit people, who take advantage of others in vulnerable situations, and there are concerned people, who want to communicate their belief in a world where shit

Did you even read this? Nobody is asking you to apologize. This isn't about you.

Oh you of great and mighty point hitting, what was missed?

uh, so I've been playing video games since fucking space invaders, so I feel a little strange saying this: like, WTF? am I the only one here who thinks that's just terrible? why? why would you make a game where the protagonist does this? really?

dear god,

this is like finding out that Santa Claus isn't real but still kicked your dog.

that bridge is burnt, like...toasted

Well...that's not junk in her trunk.

Greg: Thank you. You speak sacred, whispered truths (about shorts).

I completely agree that TAARIFTRU. And it's completely, massively unacceptable that the violence, insults, and general douchebaggary would be a part of any woman's day, based on her appearance.

Definitely, and I appreciate that delivery in this case might be everything. I do see the difference, and I've seen the casual approbation of women by men who have nothing in their intent besides their own inside out machismo, and its a good case for casual violence. I guess what's confusing is that in the

well, I think that's cynical. Life is a rom com, after all. Propogation of the species is at the tip top of the list for mother nature. And men have been taught that communicating with and complimenting women makes them like us.

As a guy, this is confusing. Let's, for a moment, sepearate shithead street commentary. It happens to my girlfriend on a daily basis, and it makes me want to carry a shotgun.