


Trying to imagine actually giving a shit about MLB. Nope .. still can’t do it.

What do Tiga and Demi Ross think of this?

Who the hell are THESE people?


In all fairness, trees and forests ...

Just remember, Congressperson Daniel - it isn't a lie if you believe it ... or are simply too fucking stOOpid to know any better.

Why does MLB hate freedom?

Simply cannot believe you're taking guff over this post.

1-1, after the first. Although I’ve no love lost for the Sharks, FUCK the Pens and their bandwagon fans.

Yeah. Exactly what the Big Rubber Dick driving the Nissan probably said, as he was deciding what speed he found "acceptable" on his stretch of freeway ...

Yeah, I did - that first sentence clearly sets out your mindset. You're "not necessarily" going to make an effort to clear the passing lane. You know what the speed limit is, and you know exactly how fast you - and all traffic around you - should be moving ...

I really feel like you didn’t read my original post. You must have stopped at “left lane, speed limit.” I clearly said it’s better to get out of the way and avoid somebody causing an accident.

Well said.

The left lane isn’t designed for “doing the speed limit”. It’s a passing lane, and is clearly marked as such in many areas. That does not excuse assault with intent to injure, but it does often take two to escalate a situation.

You're saying it doesn't happen?

I would LOVE to experience Japanese culture first-hand. But I would demand an opt-out button for the really weird shit, like this ...


True story: the rest of Ohio considers Cincinnati to be in Kentucky.