So ... does Melanka have to return to her home country once her service contract with Donny expires? Or will she be granted some form of permanent visa?
So ... does Melanka have to return to her home country once her service contract with Donny expires? Or will she be granted some form of permanent visa?
“If I wanted someone to blow water up my ass, I'd ... well, I'd blow water up my ass?"
“If I wanted someone to blow water up my ass, I'd ... well, I'd blow water up my ass?"
You may not like George, Peggy, Thomas and David as columnists, but hey - not EVERYONE can pen a '500 Days of Somesuch' ...
Illegal man downfield?
'Watch an adult watch and report on a baseball game for the first time'
Dear god - PLEASE tell me "'dega" isn't a thing now.
Who the hell is that Skippy feller, in the mackin' hat?
Speaking of '500 Days of ...', can we get an update on what Kirstin Caballeros is doing?
Indianola and High run parallel, though - Indianola and Hudson, maybe? Sadly, I missed the live bands.
They were!
All in all, an EXCELLENT marketing move by Elliott. Dude's got brains.
Indianola and Fourth?
Goff played three years at Cal - that’s one more than the arbitrary age requirement the NFL places on prospective players - you know, that age restriction gap Deadspin seems to believe the NCAA is responsible for filling?
Dear god ... PLEASE tell me "respeck" isn't a thing now.
What the fuck?
Ah, yes ... “the beautiful game".
Yeah - it does seem like one of those trades that work for all sides.
This postseason, at least early on, has been about shaking history’s yokes. The Sharks grabbed an early lead against the Kings and put it away. The Blues managed not to blow it, not even against the Blackhawks. The Islanders won their first series since 1993. Teams that have traditionally played under Murphy’s Law…
That pic freaks me out - has a "many arms of Vishnu" thing goin' on ...