
They should all quit and attend a D-III school, where they can pay their own tuition, room and board, books/fees, tutors, etc., in return for the privilege of not being treated as slave labor ...

Good to see Gallant having success at Florida. Got screwed in Columbus, as a part of that never-ending circus. Good guy.

“Why does the NFL hate the NFL and America?”

This works on so many levels!

I only poop at home, on familiar turf. Or out back, in the woods.

Completely off-topic (and my apologies), but did that douchebaggette from Fox News - I forget which blowhard it was - ever follow through on his promise to undergo a waterboarding?

I’ve always felt there were two sub-species of pickers: those (like the author) who are aware they pick and are aware it’s disgusting, but don’t seem the least embarrassed to continue doing it in the presence of normal, non-picking society. Think of the guy you know who is perfectly comfortable gnawing at his bloodied


Fifteen years of this ...

Nothing to see, really. Biffer tried to show her his googly - she blocked it.

“The horror ... the horror ..."

What just happened?

That's krite the response ...

Can a brutha please translate "outchea" for those of us with ear hair?

Now we know why Harbaugh left Stanford - past dalliance coming of age ...


“Something, something, OHIO STATE/URBAN MEYER!!!, something, something ..."

“Something, something, Urban Meyer/Ohio State!!! something, something."

Jones gave him the Donald Trump compliment, eh?

This is why fully detachable, dishwasher-safe penii are always the best option.